LA Session Materials

This course has incorporated the Learning Assistant model. Learning Assistants (LAs) are USM students who have previously been successful in the course, and will take part in the class in order to be a resource for you. The LA approach helps students become much more confident, and far more prepared for quizzes and exams! Learning assistants in this course will assist the instructor in running problem solving sessions during our Friday meetings. Working in groups with the LA program has been proven to improve student success. This course has been designed with the LA model in mind, and your participation in the LA program is important for your overall success in CHY 113. These Friday meetings are mandatory, and will count towards your attendance.

Links to handouts, worksheets, etc, used in the LA sessions can be found below. Note that not all of these handouts will be used in class. Some are extra that can be used for additional practice/study.

LA Session Materials