Viewing Grades and Feedback


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The Grades Tool

The fastest way to check your grades in a course is to go to the Assessments menu and select Grades. You will see all of the course activities and what your professor has given you for a score. In addition, any feedback they have given you will be displayed there. 

If you see a View Inline Feedback link next to any of the items, it means your professor has left you additional feedback in the form of editing marks or margin notes on the file you submitted. You can view them by selecting the View Inline Feedback link.

To see how you are doing in a course, go to the Navbar's Assessments menu and select Grades.

On mobile devices, The Grades tool can be found in the Nav Menu under Assessments.

The Grades tool will show you everything in the course that has been graded so far and any feedback the instructor has left for you. Select a View Inline Feedback link to see additional comments and annotations your instructor has left for you directly on a file you submitted.

The Individual Assessment Tools

Depending on how your professor has set up some activities, there may be additional feedback or information in the individual Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes/Exams tools under the Assessments menu

Video Tutorial

Learn how to view feedback on Assignments and Quizzes in this YouTube video, or scroll down to written instructions below. 

You can see feedback and grades directly from the Assignments tool by selecting the Unread link next to an assignment that has been graded.

Select the Unread links next to an assignment in the Assignments tool to see your professor's feedback.

Discussion Topics that have been graded will display your grade and any feedback from your professor directly on that Topic's page in the Discussions tool.

Grades and feedback will appear directly on a Discussion Topic's page.

You can see feedback and grades directly from the Quizzes & Exams tool by selecting the Unread link next to a quiz or exam that has been graded.

Select the Unread links next to a quiz or exam in the Quizzes & Exams tool to view your professor's feedback.

The Course Progress Tool

Lastly, you can see your grades and feedback alongside your activity in the course via the Course Progress tool found in the Course Resources menu.

Access the Course Progress tool from the Course Resources menu located in the Navbar.

The Course Progress tool is similar to the Grades tool, but also gives you additional info about your activity in the course.

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