Taking Quizzes and Exams

The quiz and exam experience in Brightspace can differ depending on the options your professor has selected. This page has some general tips to ensure things go smoothly, as well as what to do when they don't go smoothly.

Video Tutorial

Learn how to take Quizzes and Exams in this YouTube video, or scroll down to written instructions below. 


You can view a larger version of many of the images in this guide by selecting the gray button that appears in the corner when hovering over the image.

Quiz / Exam Attempts

An Attempt is a single event where you started and completed a quiz or exam. Depending on how your professor has set things up, you may have quizzes and exams which allow you to submit multiple attempts, which can be graded in various ways. Brightspace displays a screen explaining the rules for the quiz or exam you selected before starting it.

Before starting a Quiz or Exam, Brightspace will display a screen containing information about any time limits, how many attempts are allowed, etc.

Submitting a Quiz/Exam Attempt

There are two Submit screens at the end of a quiz or exam. Both of these screens have to be confirmed in order for the attempt to be fully submitted to your professor.

1. The first Submit Quiz button appears right after the last question on the quiz or exam. Select it to proceed to the Quiz Submission Confirmation page.

The first Submit Quiz button appears after the last question in the quiz or exam.

2. The Quiz Submission Confirmation page has the second Submit Quiz button. Select it to finalize the attempt and send it to your professor.

Another Submit Quiz button appears on the next screen which also needs to be selected in order for the quiz/exam attempt to be submitted properly.

3. A final page will appear communicating that the quiz was submitted successfully. Select the Done button to return to the course. 

Select the Done button to return to the course.

What if my device or internet connection crashes?!

If possible, plan ahead and make sure you take quizzes or exams on a reliable internet connection. In the event you lose connection to the internet, your device crashes, or you accidentally close your web browser during a quiz or exam, don’t panic! Usually, Brightspace will let you pick up where you left off once you browse back to the quiz or exam. 

Brightspace will provide a message with a link to the quiz or exam under the alerts menu. Simply select the link to the quiz or exam in that alert to continue where you left off. If it doesn’t, contact your professor immediately.

If you are disconnnected from the internet during a Quiz or Exam, Brightspace will provide a message with a link to the quiz or exam under the alerts menu to pick up where you left off.