3. Veris leta facies

Veris leta facies

mundo propinatur,

hiemalis acies

victa iam fugatur,

in vestitu vario

Flora principatur,

nemorum dulcisono

que cantu celebratur.

Flore fusus gremio

Phoebus novo more

risum dat, hoc vario

iam stipatur flore

Zephyrus nectareo

spirans in odore;

certatim pro bravio

curramus in amore.

Cytharizat cantico

dulcis Philomena,

flore rident vario

prata iam serena,

salit cetus avium

silve per amena,

chorus promit virginum

iam gaudia millena.

3. The happy face of Spring

The happy face of Spring

is toasted by the world;

Winter's bite

now is put to flight;

in colorful vestments

Divine Flora rules;

and by the sweet-sounding song of the woods

is celebrated.

Beaming into Flora's lap,

Phoebus, in a new fashion,

bestows laughter, by colorful flowers

is already wreathed;

Zephyr blowing

sweet smelling fragrance;

in rivalry for the prize,

let us rush into love.

With song, resonates 

the sweet Nightingale;

with many colorful flowers

serene meadows now smile;

the flock of birds dance

through the delights of the forest;

A chorus of maidens

brings forth now a thousand joys.

4. Omnia Sol temperat

Omnia Sol temperat

purus et subtilis,

novo mundo reserat

facies Aprilis,

ad Amorem properat

animus herilis,

et iocundis imperat

deus puerilis.

Rerum tanta novitas

in solemni vere

et veris auctoritas

iubet nos gaudere;

vias prebet solitas,

et in tuo vere

fides est et probitas

tuum retinere.

Ama me fideliter!

fidem meam nota:

de corde totaliter

et ex mente tota

sum presentialiter

absens in remota.

quisquis amat taliter,

volvitur in rota.

4. The Sun tempers all things

The Sun tempers all things,

pure and delicate,

reveals to a new world

the beauty of April,

into Love rushes

the heart of man,

the boyish god commands


The renewal of all things

in vernal revelry

and the sway of Spring

bids us to rejoice.

She unearths familiar ways

and in your bloom

faith and honor are

yours to retain.

Love me truly!

Note my faith:

fully from the heart

and from my whole soul

I am with you,

though far away.

Whoever loves in such a way

is turned on the wheel.

5. Ecce gratum

Ecce gratum

et optatum

Ver reducit gaudia,


floret pratum,

Sol serenat omnia,

iamiam cedant tristia!

Estas redit,

nunc recedit

Hyemis sevitia.

Iam liquescit

et decrescit

grando, nix et cetera,

bruma fugit,

et iam sugit,

Ver Estatis ubera;

illi mens est misera,

qui nec vivit,

nec lascivit

sub Estatis dextera.


et letantur

in melle dulcedinis

qui conantur,

ut utantur

premio Cupidinis;

simus jussu Cypridis


et letantes

pares esse Paridis.

5. Behold, the welcome

Behold! The welcome

and wished for

Spring brings back joys,

rosy purple

fills the meadow,

the sun brightens all things,

now let sorrows depart!

Summer returns,

now retires

the harshness of Winter.

Already melts

and shrinks

the hail, snow, etc.

Winter flees, 

and now

Spring nurses at Summer's breast.

For him unhappy is the mind,

who has neither lived,

nor lusted

under Summer's reign.

They revel

and rejoice

in the honey of sweetness

who strive

to win

Cupid's prize.

By Venus's charge, let us be


and rejoicing,

to be equals of Paris.