15. Amor volat undique

Amor volat undique,

captus est libidine.

Iuvenes, iuvencule

coniunguntur merito.

Siqua sine socio,

caret omni gaudio,

tenet noctis infima

sub intimo

cordis in custodia:

fit res amarissima.

15. Cupid flies all around

Cupid flies all around,

seized by desire.

Young men, young women

are joined fittingly together.

If any girl is without a lover,

she lacks all pleasure,

she holds the darkness of night

within the innermost

protection of her heart;

she becomes a most sorrowful thing.

16. Dies, nox et omnia

Dies, nox et omnia

michi sunt contraria,

virginum colloquia

me fay planszer,

oy suvenz suspirer,

plu me fay temer.

O sodales, ludite,

vos qui scitis dicite,

michi mesto parcite,

grand ey dolur,

attamen consulite

per voster honur.

Tua pulchra facies,

me fay planszer milies,

pectus habens glacies,

a remender

statim vivus fierem

per un baser.

16. Day, night, and all else

Day, night, and all else

are against me,

the voices of virgins

make me weep,

often I sigh,

and more often I fear.

Oh, companions, play on,

you who know, speak.

Spare me, in my sadness;

great is my suffering,

yet, counsel me,

for your honor.

Your beautiful face

makes me cry a thousand times,

having a heart of ice.

To heal me

at once, I would come to life

by a kiss.

17. Stetit puella

Stetit puella

rufa tunica;

si quis eam tetigit,

tunica crepuit.


Stetit puella,

tamquam rosula;

facie splenduit,

os eius floruit.


17. There stood a girl

There stood a girl

in a crimson dress;

if anyone touched her

the dress would rustle.


There stood a girl

just like a little rose,

she was resplendent in beauty,

her lips blossomed. 


18. Circa mea pectora

Circa mea pectora

multa sunt suspiria

de tua pulchritudine,

que me ledunt misere. Ah!

Manda liet,

manda liet,

min geselle

chumet niet.

Tui lucent oculi

sicut solis radii,

sicut splendor fulguris

lucem donat tenebris. Ah!

Manda liet,

manda liet,

min geselle

chumet niet.

Vellet deus, vellent dii,

quod mente proposui:

ut eius virginea

reserassem vincula. Ah!

Manda liet,

manda liet,

min geselle

chumet niet.

18. Around my heart

Around my heart

there are many sighs

because of your beauty,

which wounds me miserably. Ah!

Send a song,

send a song,

my darling

does not come.

Your eyes are shining

like the rays of the sun,

like the splendor of lightning

giving light to darkness. Ah!

Send a song,

send a song,

my darling

does not come.

May God will, may the gods will,

what in mind I have proposed:

that her virgin chains

I might unlock. Ah!

Send a song,

send a song.

my darling

does not come.

19. Sie puer cum puellula

Sie puer cum puellula

moraretur in cellula,

felix coniunctio.

Amore sucrescente,

pariter e medio

propulso procul tedio,

fit ludus ineffabilis

membris, lacertis, labiis.

19. If a lad with his lass

If a lad with his lass

dallies in a chamber

happy is their love making.

With passion rising

equally between them,

with tedium driven far away,

then come games unspeakable

—members, limbs, and lips.

20. Veni, veni, venias

Veni, veni, venias,

ne me mori facias,

hyrca, hyrca, nazaza,


Pulchra tibi facies,

oculorum acies,

capillorum series,

o quam clara species!

Rosa rubicundior,

lilio candidior,

omnibus formosior,

semper in te glorior!

20. Come, Come, May you Come

Come, come, may you come—

lest you make me die,

hyrca, hyrca, nazaza,


Beautiful is your face,

the glance of your eyes,

the plait of your hair,

O what a radiant sight!

More red than a rose;

more fair than a lily,

More ravishing than all things,

Always in you I shall glory!

21. In trutina mentis dubia

In trutina mentis dubia

fluctuant contraria

lascivus amor et pudicitia.

Sed eligo quod video,

collum iugo prebeo;

ad iugum tamen suave transeo.

21. On the vacillating scales of my mind

On the vacillating scales of my mind

contrary arguments fluctuate—

lascivious desire or chastity?

But I choose what I see:

I submit my neck to the yoke.

To that sweet yoke still I go. 

22. Tempus est iocundum

Tempus est iocundum,

o virgines,

modo congaudete

vos iuvenes.

Oh, oh, oh!

totus floreo,

iam amore virginali totus ardeo!

novus, novus novus amor est, quo pereo!

Mea me confortat


mea me deportant


Oh, oh, oh! 

totus floreo,

iam amore virginali totus ardeo!

novus, novus novus amor est, quo pereo!

Tempore brumali

vir patiens,

animo vernali


Oh, oh, oh! 

totus floreo,

iam amore virginali totus ardeo!

novus, novus novus amor est, quo pereo!

Mea mecum ludit


mea me detrudit


Oh, oh, oh! 

totus floreo,

iam amore virginali totus ardeo!

novus, novus novus amor est, quo pereo!

Oh, oh, oh! 

totus floreo,

iam amore virginali totus ardeo!

novus, novus novus amor est, quo pereo!

Veni domicella,

cum gaudio,

veni, veni, pulchra,

iam pereo.

Oh, oh, oh! 

otus floreo,

iam amore virginali totus ardeo!

novus, novus novus amor est, quo pereo!

22. The season is pleasing

The season is pleasing

O Maidens,

Presently delight together

Ye Lads.

Oh, oh, oh! 

Completely I bloom,

now for maidenly love completely I burn!

A new, new, new love it is, by which I die!

My submission comforts


My denying grieves


Oh, oh, oh! 

Completely I bloom,

now for maidenly love completely I burn!

A new, new, new love it is, by which I die!

In wintry seasons

a man is long-suffering,

with spring's breath,


Oh, oh, oh! 

Completely I bloom,

now for maidenly love completely I burn!

A new, new, new love it is, by which I die!

My virginity plays

with me.

My directness dispossesses


Oh, oh, oh! 

Completely I bloom,

now for maidenly love completely I burn!

A new, new, new love it is, by which I die!

Oh, oh, oh! 

Completely I bloom,

now for maidenly love completely I burn!

A new, new, new love it is, by which I die!

Come, little mistress,

with delight.

Come, come, beautiful,

now I die.

Oh, oh, oh! 

Completely I bloom,

now for maidenly love completely I burn!

A new, new, new love it is, by which I die!

23. Dulcissime

Dulcissime, Ah!

totam tibi subdo me!

23. My Sweetest One

My sweetest one, ah!

My entire self I submit to you!

24. Ave formosissima

Ave formosissima,

gemma pretiosa,

ave decus virginum,

virgo gloriosa,

ave mundi luminar

ave mundi rosa,

Blanziflor et Helena,

Venus generosa!

24. Ave most ravishing

Ave most ravishing,

precious jewel.

Ave splendor of virgins,

maiden glorious.

Ave light of the world!

Ave rose of the world!

Blanchefleur and Helen,

Noble Venus!