HIT 72 - Legal Aspects of Health Information

Course Information

HIT 72 provides an in-depth study of the fundamentals of law, U. S. legal system, consents, confidentiality, release of information, use of patient records during proceedings and health information practice, ethics, regulatory requirements, compliance, risk management and quality improvement. Emphasis on privacy and security rules from the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). basic hospital and health statistics including sources, definitions, and use of health data. Computerized and manual methods of collecting, processing, and preparing statistical reports and spreadsheets for health care management, including various methods of presenting data, predictability studies, data mining, calculation of common rates and percentages. 

Class is very interactive with group activities and in-class research blended with lectures and demonstrations. 

This is a fully online class.

Course Outline of Record

Important Dates

Please refer to the academic calendar for holidays and other important dates.

Course Syllabus

Syllabus is available by contacting the instructor.