ESL 186 Remote

ESL Introduction to College Reading and Writing

  • ESL 186: Training and practice in advanced academic reading and writing, with emphasis on language structure and vocabulary development for non-native speakers of English. Practice in reading multiple academic texts, synthesizing ideas, and developing and revising text-based assignments at the pre-collegiate level. Advanced language skills integrated on the basis of academic tasks and content.

  • As a fully remote class, we meet four times a week for Livestream sessions. Punctual attendance in these sessions is required.

  • You will be taking notes, participating in whole class discussions and working in break-out rooms during our Livestreams.

  • The required books for this course are:

  • At the end of the 8-week course, there is a final exam, presentation of a group project and the design of a digital portfolio to demonstrate mastery of everything learned.

  • Y15 hours in CLAD are also required to pass the class.