The MUICT-MOOC developed in The ICT Senior Project 2016 "Fast Track to Develop MUICT-MOOC Environment, แนวทางพัฒนาระบบการเรียนการสอนออนไลน์ขนาดใหญ่แบบเปิด". Whitch is a project to create a guideline for any organizations who would like to develop MOOC system. They can develop MOOC easier and create courses efficiently.

Team Members: P. Hongnoi, N. Khamfung, S. Palathai, Prof. Dr. Jarernsri Mitrpanont (Supervisor) and Kittikhun Thongkanchorn (co-supervisor)

Then, 2017 Extended to the MUICTedX as a pilot project to create a MOOC for the faculty of ICT by Kittikhun in the Office of Technology Support Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University.

Some of our work shown in MUX-Dev.

MUICT-MOOC Development Framework
MUICT-MOOC System Overview

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a trend for massive online learning environment for everyone. Learners from anywhere of any ages are able to study and interact with other members and instructors from top universities through MOOC. Currently, there are many MOOC platform providers both commercial and non-commercial such as Coursera, Open edX, Udacity, etc. Although, MOOC is used in worldwide institutes, MOOC is not simple to develop because it involves multiple parties, technologies, participants, role-based training and guidelines. This document provides a framework as a fast track for organizations that plan to adopt MOOC platform. Our framework consists of five major steps: Executive approval, Policy Guideline Development, Technology Identification, Online Course Development Team and Faculties, and Leaning and Leaners. Based on this framework, a system called “MUICT-MOOC” has been developed on Open edX as an example to other organizations to use to be a MOOC guideline development.

Some Part Of Our Work

The MUICT MOOC Benefits:

  • Organizations who would like to develop MOOC can follow MUICT-MOOC development framework, they will develop efficient MOOC easier.
  • New users of MOOC can learn role-based training to prepare for using MOOC system.
  • Organizations can spread knowledge to others via MOOC system.
  • Organizations can use MOOC policy to be a guideline for developing MOOC system.
  • experience of MOOC System and Improved skills of web programming language, MongoDB, MOOC policy and WCAG 2.0