If you have questions about your eligibility or the registration process and would like to contact the NCAA directly, call toll free at 1-877-262-1492.  

Creating Your NCAA Account

There are 3 buttons when you click on  Create Account.

Option 1 is the free profile for any student who may play at a DIII school. 

Option 2, Amateurism Certificate Account is for international students, first year and transfers. 

Option 3, is for any student who may play at a DI or DII school. 

Athletic Eligibility at MHS:

Fall Eligibility Status

To be eligible for athletic competition during the first semester of grades 10-12 (fall sports), students must have passed and earned 30.0 credits (6 academic courses) from their previous school year. 

Winter Eligibility Status

Students must maintain their grades and be passing 15.0 credits (6 academic courses) mid-year. 

Spring Eligibility Status

To be eligible for athletic competition during the second semester of the current school year (spring), students must be passing the equivalent of 15.0 credits (passing 6 academic courses by mid-year). 

Playing a Sport In College? Maybe even DI? Let's Get Started:

1.) In Grade 9, notify your counselor of your intention to play a sport in college. 

2) In Grade 9, create your NCAA account.

3.) Begin to review the NCAA Academic Guide that explains requirements.

4.) Make sure to take courses that are “core” classes as determined by the NCAA Eligibility Center.

5.) Talk about courses with your counselor during each year's scheduling meeting.

6.) Make sure you are taking the right distribution of courses. Talk to your counselor.