
Morning Check-In

Students must check-in in the auditorium lobby each morning when they arrive. There will be three tables setup to facilitate a faster check-in for everyone.

Students must check-in in the auditorium lobby each morning when they arrive. There will be three tables setup to facilitate a faster check-in for everyone.

Parents may accompany their students to check-in each morning.  If you are accompanying your child to check-in, please park in a space in the auditorium parking lot.  Do not leave your car in the drop-off line while you check your student in.

Beginning Campers - Go to the table marked “Beginning Campers”

Advanced Campers - Go to the table marked “Advanced Campers”

Afternoon Dismissal/Check-Out

Preferred Method - Please park your car and walk up to the sidewalk in front of the auditorium and get your student.  We ask that you do not come up to the sidewalk until the students have exited the building.

Carline - We will have a carline, but we ask if you utilize this, please let your student know to be looking for your vehicle as we do not want to hold up the line.

Walkers - If a student lives close enough to JCHS and the parents allow that student to walk home, please send a note in with that student on Monday.  

The beginning campers will be dismissed at 4:00pm and can be picked up in front of the auditorium entrance.  Please follow the same traffic flow as morning drop-off. 

The advanced campers will be dismissed at 5:00pm and can be picked up in front of the auditorium entrance.  Please follow the same traffic flow as morning drop-off.

If a student needs to be checked-out early, parents must come to the auditorium entrance and speak with a volunteer before their child can be released. This is for safety reasons.  If possible, please inform the registration volunteers at morning check-in if your student will be checked out early on any given day.