
Disrupt Phase: Schools/departments can answer "yes" or "true" to 3 or more of these statements

  1. When pushing the agenda for anti-racism and racial justice, we have a critical mass of staff who have demonstrated a willingness to participate in race & equity PD, speak up freely, offer to lead, find joy and/or urgency in doing this work

  2. As a staff, we have a race & equity team who has helped to design and host space for race & equity learning and we use our school data to drive conversations.

  3. As a staff, our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) staff speak their truth but do not carry the burden of "teaching" everyone else (there is evidence that trust and honesty about impact of racism is happening with staff and that BIPOC staff are not reporting that they are triggered or harmed by these conversations)

  4. As a staff, White staff are willing to do their own learning and are working to be allies for students and staff of Color

scopes & sequence

required modules
