College Fairs and Visits

College Fairs

College fairs are a traditional staple of the college search process. These types of events allow students and families to meet face-to-face with hundreds of universities and colleges, without having to do all of the travel! It is an opportunity for students to meet with college admissions representatives in-person, gather information about schools and programs and begin to narrow down your college prospects.

College Fair Tips and Skills

When attending a college fair, there are a few tips that you should keep in mind to maximize your time and get the most out of the event!

Before the Fair

  • Gather a list of schools that you would like to visit and make sure they will be in attendance at the fair.

  • Come up with a list of questions that you would like to ask each college admission representative and ask them all the same questions, so you can compare them later. Make sure your questions go beyond the basic info you find on their profile pages.

During the Fair

  • Map your route upon entry, try to find out where your schools of interest are located before you start so you can make sure you get to them all.

  • Dress to impress! Typically, the college recruiters play a key role in the admissions process, so be sure you are dressed appropriately; consider business casual (slacks, button up shirt, knee length skirt, suit jacket if you have it, etc).

  • Have your list of questions, as well as a notebook, with you, so you can jot down key highlights from your conversations with the reps.

  • Introduce yourself, shake hands and make eye contact. This will help to make a stronger impression.

  • Make sure you collect a business card or contact information from the college rep so you can reach out with follow up questions.

After the Fair

  • Organize your information and pull out the schools that you liked the most.

  • Send a follow up thank you note to the reps from the schools that you were most interested in.

  • Meet with your counselor to further discuss your interests and options at each school.

  • Consider scheduling a campus tour for your top choices!

Additional College Fair Resources