East High School Counseling


Hello and welcome to the Madison East High School Counseling Department site! Our school counseling department provides a full range of student services and supports to assist students with their academic, social/emotional and post-secondary needs. We have many services that we hope will provide students with the tools they will need for academic and personal success! We have created a site that is meant to be a comprehensive one-stop-shop for students. 

Our counselors are assigned by neighborhood and/or academic program, but we are all here to help, so we look forward to working with you as you journey through the next 4 years of high school!

P.S. Si necesita ayuda para entender esta carta en español, por favor envíeme su nombre y su número de teléfono por correo electrónico a sdiazdeclert@madison.k12.wi.us y yo con mucho gusto le llamaré.