Key Policies

Privacy and Cookies Policy.pdf
Confidentiality Policy.pdf

Confidentiality and Privacy

Information given in confidence must not be disclosed without consent unless there is a justifiable reason e.g. a requirement of law or there is an overriding public interest to do so.

Whenever you are involved in processing any personal data, you must ensure that all associated procedures are appropriate. If you are aware of any breach of Data Protection you must bring it to the attention of the Chair of Made With Hope immediately.

Key points: Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

As a volunteer or trustees, you may have access to sensitive information including, but not limited to:

  • children's names that we support
  • donor information including contact info.
  • details of people involved in our partnerships in Tanzania inc. CHETI
  • other MWH and CHETI representative information (Trustees only)

You should keep this information confidential. In practice, this means:

  • Do not download files onto your personal laptop, only work on the software we use e.g. Google Drive, Canva.
  • This information should be shared on a "needs to know" basis. If you are uncertain who needs to know, Eleanor or Anna can advise.
  • Do not discuss sensitive information with others e.g. friends, family.
  • Do not share passwords. Passwords must be attained from Eleanor.
  • Be aware of your surroundings e.g. leaving you laptop open in a cafe
Complaints Policy.pdf


If you feel that the quality or level of service provided falls short of what you reasonably expect then raise a complaint directly with the Chair of Made with Hope who will investigate and agree any necessary further action. If you don’t feel comfortable with telling the Chair then you can contact the secretary of the Board of Trustees.

Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

  • How to find this document
  • If you have a complaint, please contact Eleanor If you wish to speak to somebody else, please contact Alex at
Equality Policy.pdf


Made With Hope is committed to equality in its provision of services and in all its policies and procedures. It is committed to the creation of a non-discriminatory operating environment.

Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

  • How to find this document
  • If you have a complaint surrounding Equality, please follow the complaints procedure and contact Eleanor If you wish to speak to somebody else, please contact Alex at
MWH & CHETI Child Protection Policy.pdf

Safeguarding and Child Protection

You will be expected to conduct yourself in accordance with this Child Protection Policy with-in your role in Made With Hope which you will be asked to sign. This policy's primary audience is international representatives and Trustees. However, as a UK volunteer in UK schools this may relate to you.

Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

  • You must report any incidents or concerns that cause you to believe that a child, young person or adult at risk is, or is likely to be, at risk of harm.
  • How to find this document
  • How to report a Child Protection issue
Whistle-blowing Policy.pdf


We have a duty to speak up about concerns in relation to criminal activity, breach of a legal obligation (including negligence, breach of contract, breach of administrative law), miscarriage of justice, danger to health and safety or the environment, and the cover up of any of these in the operating practice of Made With Hope.

Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

  • How to find this document
  • How to report a whistleblowing issue
Social Media Policy.pdf

Social Media Policy

Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

  • Only use positive images and messages to respect people you are talking about
  • Do not use the real names of children and vulnerable adults we support in Tanzania
  • Ask permission if you are taking photos of other UK volunteers and using their names
  • Do not promote western/white saviours
  • Read and watch the following links on Radiaid, pioneers in ethical communications especially around developing countries.
  • Follow @nowhitesaviors on Instagram to be aware of issues around positive communication
Health and Safety Policy.pdf

Health and Saftey

Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing health and safety risks in the workplace

  • Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employees and volunteers are competent to do their work

Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

  • Where the emergency exits and firm alarm muster points are for Beehive Lofts
  • The main contact for Health and Safety is Eleanor Riley and Peter Collinson (Trustees)
Employer's Liability Insurance Schedule.pdf

Liability Insurance

Made With Hope have both Public Liability and Employer Liability insurance policies in place.

Volunteers and Trustees Should Know:

  • You can view our policies if required

You have access to all of these policies in full and are encouraged to read them.