Our Theory of Change

Theory of Change (ToC) is a very common and important tool that organisations use to explain their mission (impact) and how they plan to achieve that change. It is recommended that all charities have a ToC for their organisation as a whole, and individual project or programme ToC. Many funders will ask to see your ToC to understand your charity or project.

How can education equip students to realise a life free from poverty?

Made With Hope's Theory of Change


There are many challenges for schools in rural Tanzania trying to deliver a quality education, and there are many ways that Made With Hope could support our partners. We have chosen to focus on four programmes designed to support schools to become more effective, and to remove barriers to students getting the most out of their time at school.

We have focused on these four programmes because....

  • projects in these programme areas have the potential to improve the quality of education and make schools more effective
  • many, if not all, of the schools we have visited in Tanzania need help in these areas
  • we believe that Made With Hope and CHETI NGO are well-placed to deliver effective projects in these programme areas
  • by having a defined focus, we can build expertise and experience and have a bigger impact
This document gives an overview of Made With Hope's Programmes and projects, and explains why we do what we do.
Intro to Made With Hope Programmes and Projects

Let Us Learn

Supporting teaching and learning through improved facilities, resources and training.

Being Well

Ensuring that students are well enough to attend school and focus in class.

Water is Life

Ensuring that schools have enough clean, safe water for drinking, cooking and cleaning.

Lighten Up

Bringing clean light to rural homes with no electricity for students to do homework

We are also focused on ensuring that schools are able to continue to be successful, after Made With Hope stop supporting them directly. We are currently developing a new programme focused on ensuring that schools have sustainable funding to enable them to maintain projects and develop their own new ones.


We break down the work that we do into "projects". In project-management-speak, a project is defined as "a temporary enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim".

Over the next few years, Made With Hope expects to deliver about 20 projects per year. An example of a Made With Hope project could include:

  • Constructing enough new classrooms for a school to go double-streamed
  • Installing guttering and rainwater harvesting tanks to make a school self-sufficient for water
  • Building a new toilet block at a new school

We will often deliver a project in phases. For example, the expansion of CHETI primary school was delivered in 4 phases:

  • Phase 1: construction of 2 classrooms funded by Orbis, started in X
  • Phase 2: 3 classrooms funded by BFSS, started in X
  • Phase 3: 2 classrooms funded by Kitchen Table Charitable Trust, started in August 2019
  • Phase 4: construction of 3 classrooms funded by OKA, started in October 2019

As you can see above, often the phasing of a project may be affected by funding.

Project Designs

Rainwater Harvesting Project Design
Girls Empowerment Project Design
Teacher CPD Project Design
Library Project Design
Toilet Project Design
Handwashing Project Design
Kitchen Project Design
First Aid Training Project Design
Maweni Classrooms & Learning Environment Project Design
Maji Moto Classrooms & Learning Environment Project Design
Mshikamano Classrooms & Learning Environment Project Design
Income Generation Project Design
Project Design Primary School
Project Design Sec School
Solar Lamp Project Design
School Administration Project Design
