Volunteer Portal

New Year, New Update

Yorkshire Three Peaks

We hope that as many of you as possible will join us on in climbing the Yorkshire Three Peaks on the 9th of May! And help us to recruit others to join us.

The registration fee for our Yorkshire Three Peaks is £55. This money goes directly to Lost Earth Adventures to pay for the guide and support that will be provided for all walkers on the day to keep the event safe and successful.

Having shopped around, this is a standard cost for this challenge. Some charities take the fee out of walkers' fundraising target/total meaning that it's less visible to participants or their donors that this cost exists. Because we value transparency, we have chosen not to do this. Whilst this can mean that the costs may look a little bit higher than other charity Y3Ps, it means that all sponsorship money raised goes to supporting education in Tanzania and not the costs of organising the event - it is much clearer to both fundraisers and donors where their money is going. Please help us to explain this to others as you ask them to sign up to walk with us.

Other challenge events

If you'd rather run, swim, bake, eat or dance for Made With Hope, there are plenty of other opportunities and events for you to get involved with! Please see the website or slack/ask Anna for more info.

Anj in Tanzania!

You'll have hopefully noticed Anj's daily updates in the #general channel. She arrived in Tanzania at the weekend and will be in country until mid-March. Meet the woman behind the updates in her into blog post <<

Mshikamano Classroom 6 and 7 Case For Support 2019

Upgrading classrooms at Mshikamano

Some of the classrooms at Mshikamano are very dilapidated, and we have been planing a project and seeking funding to be able to upgrade them. See the case for support (left) for the plans we have been making.

Water is Life and Rainwater Harvesting Updates

The following purple report is an excerpt of the update email we send to funders One Kind Act who have supported the construction of new water tanks at Mshikamano, Maweni and CHETI.

Anj, Zuma and Hussein will be visiting Mshikamano and Maweni next week to host community workshops where everyone will be invited to the schools to see and celebrate the tanks and be update on Made With Hope's work more generally.

One Kind Act Update

We are so excited to share with you the completed rainwater harvesting tanks that are already collecting thousands of litres of clean safe water to support 4 schools and up to 1,500 students!

Water is something we learned to be so important in helping to run a school, keeping students healthy and improving the quality of education. This water is being used for drinking, cooking school lunch, handwashing and cleaning. Your support has enabled this to happen and we are so grateful for this.

VIDEO Thank you One Kind Act Rainwater Tanks - Mshikamano.mp4
The Students Wanted To Say Thank You OKA!​​​​​"Thank you One Kind Act for the rainwater harvesting tanks!"

Thank you One Kind Act!!

The 4 schools you have supported are now transformed with clean water from the grant you gave in September!! Each school we visited to give the tanks to were so excited. All students and teachers came out to sing, dance and celebrate! One Kind Act and their supporters have made a real difference to hundreds of children!

Project Update

We managed to get some savings from discounts and support from the community to be able to install 21 tanks (instead of 20 tanks) with your grant. We transported the 21 tanks from town, along the rural roads. The community came out to help take the tanks from the lorries and organise them. It was amazing team work! The unplanned rainy season caused some delays and difficulties to such rural villages but we eventually made it!

The community supported the installation of the tanks

Local labourers worked hard to build sustainable tank stands
The children were so excited to have water at their school

Lesson Learned So Far

Transparency is hugely important to us and runs through everything we do. As a small and young charity with limited resources we are constantly learning how to be more efficient to make the biggest impact. We wanted to be open with you about what we've learned from this project.

  • The construction at one school was delayed because when the labourers went to build the guttering, they found lots of hidden bees nests in the school roof which were very dangerous and were not present in the initial inspection. This took an additional 3 weeks to sort out.
  • What we're doing to improve on this: In future rainwater projects, we will do and updated survey to ensure it is safe to install guttering on.
  • Zuma, the director of our delivery partner on the ground had a lot of other Made With Hope construction projects running at the same time in Tanzania as well as the running of the schools. He was struggling with the workload to make all the projects happen quickly.
  • What we're doing to improve on this: We've recently hired a full-time local Community Development Worker in Tanzania to support the implementation of our projects. This means we'll be able to increase the amount of children we support whilst managing all the projects to deliver on time.
  • Our projects are supporting such rural schools, which means transporting materials for construction can be hard, especially when it rains. Rain can delay construction for days or weeks because the roads turn into mud. The rainy season was delayed this year too, which meant construction began later than expected.
  • What we're doing to improve on this: For future constructions, we will plan for extra time to be able to complete construction work.

Your supporter tank names

Here is the link to all of the names on the tanks. We hope you enjoy updating your supporters! CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PHOTOS

We will be opening 5 new classrooms at CHETI Primary very shortly!!!!!

The 3 BFSS classrooms and 2 KTCT classrooms are going to be opened and in action imminently!

Anj, Hussein and Zuma will be on hand to capture lots of photos and videos to share with us and the funders.

Eleanor Rathbone Girl's Toilets Case For Support 2019

Girls' toilets at Maji Moto and Mshikamano

We are planning two new girls toilet block project at Mshikamano and Maji Moto. This brief case for support gives and overview of the projects, and we have been using it to prepare a number of funding applications.

Mshikamano Toilets.mp4
Maji Moto toilets by Zuma.mp4

New Project Designs

As we look to the new project we hope to deliver in 2020, the project design volunteers are working on a number of new project designs for ECO Kitchens, First Aid Training, and Teacher Training and Support.

ECO Kitchen Project Design
First Aid Project Design
Teacher CPD & Support Project Design

Grant Applications

Many grant applications were submitted in December!

  • Eleanor Rathbone: £3,000 for Mshikamano toilets
  • Didymus: £5,000 for Mshikamano toilets
  • Robert Hall Foundation: £6,997 for Majo Moto toilets
  • Peter Stebbings Memorial Trust: £5,000 for Majo Moto toilets
  • Hilden Chariyable Turst: £10,000 for Mshikamano toilets
  • Chrysalis Trust: £9,000 for Mshikamano Classroom upgrades

In total, we've now submitted 8 grant applications totalling £44,477.00. We should start hearing the outcome of some of these soon. Fingers crossed for good news!

(Thank you to everyone who helped us research funding opportunities and prepare these applications)

More volunteer profiles!

We're continuing to profile volunteers on our website. Charlotte and Imogen were featured in December. Watch out for being tapped up to write your profile next!

Behind the scenes.....

  • Marketing Review: Chris, Eleanor, Kim and Anna have been meeting to review how we talk about Made With Hope and promote our work and encourage people to support us. Over the coming months, you'll start to see some changes to the website as these are finalised and rolled out.
  • Accounts: Anna and Andrew are working on the finances for the 2019 accounts, and moving more of our finance processes off spreadsheets and into quickbooks
  • Salesforce: Anna and Eleanor are using salesforce (our new CRM) to track grant applications and manage our challenge events
  • Project Management Processes: Mahvash is working with Anna to improve and formalise our project management tools and put processes in place to make them run more smoothly
  • Student Surveys: Emlyn and the GE volunteers have been crunching the student surveys from Mshikamano, Maweni and Maji Moto to get more student input on the projects they would like to see in their schools
  • Later: We've swapped over our social media management tool to later, which should mean more stories and that it's easier for volunteer to get involved in making them. If you're interested in supporting this, let Anna know.

November Update for Volunteers and Trustees

You fed back at the volunteer and trustee day that you would like a monthly overview of what's been happening at Made With Hope. So, here is our first November Update. This took 1.5 - 2 hours to pull together. I would really like your feedback as to whether or not this is a good use of time!

We're using a webpage format as it's quick to pull together from exiting google documents, images and videos, and it should be easy for us to archive old updates for people to read.

As ever, all the activity on this page has only happened thanks to the contributions of our volunteer team - so a big thank you all round!


Anna and Eleanor

Hussein has started at CHETI NGO!

We are extremely excited to have Hussein join the Made With Hope team. He and Zuma have been very busy over the last few weeks.

If you haven't said hello already, please feel free to send him a friendly message on slack.

Christmas Party on the 11th of Dec

We are looking forward to seeing as many people as possible! The party will be at flat 70, Islington Wharf, M4 6DH from 6.30 pm - 10 pm.

Made With Hope Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge!

Based on your feedback from the fundraising survey, we have organised a Made With Hope Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge for Saturday the 9th of May, 2020.

We would love you to....

  • sign up to take the challenge yourself
  • persuade friends and family to do it with you
  • help us to publicise the event

Trustee and Volunteer Day

Partnerships with Maji Moto, Maweni, Mshikamano announced

We have now formally signed partnership agreements with three new partner schools in Tanzania, Maweni, Mshikamano and Maji Moto. Zuma, Alex and Eleanor first visited these schools in February of this year, after these (and other) schools were recommended by the district education officer. Anna, Laura and Zuma went back in October to run community engagement workshops. Now the partnership has formalised and we are beginning new projects together.

Hussein and Kashota (Maweni HT) looking serious at the new Maweni notice board.

We've included pictures of each of our new partners at the bottom of this update.

Water is Life Rainwater Harvesting Update

Buying water tanks.mp4

Tank construction

The World Water Day tanks are now complete. We have built:

  • 11 tanks across CHETI Primary and Secondary

Next steps are M & E and reporting to donors.

We are now moving into a new phase of our Rainwater Harvesting projectt, funded by OKA. This phase supports:

  • 7 tanks at CHETI Primary/Secondary
  • 8 tanks at Maweni
  • 6 tanks at Mshikamano

Just today, Zuma and Hussein have been purchasing the tanks to take to the schools.

<< Check out the video to see how it went

Fluoride Testing

Whilst in Tanzania we tested water samples from each of our partner schools for their fluoride content. THERE IS NO FLUORIDE IN THE SAMPLE FROM THE NEW RAINWATER HARVESTING TANKS AT CHETI.

We also discovered that the baseline fluoride at our new partner schools is:

  • Maweni fluoride: 0.78 mg/L
  • Mshikamano fluoride: 1.61 mg/L
  • Maji Moto fluoride: 0.63 mg/L

Girl Empowerment Updates

As you may remember, we have secured funding for our Menstrual Hygiene Management workshops and product distribution from a major donor.

Girl Empowerment Case For Support 2019

Eleanor has been working with this donor to agree exactly what she will be supporting, as been able to get her to agree to increase her donation! This slideshow has been prepared for our major donor, and gives a great overview of the project, with a focus on the Menstrual Hygiene Management angle.

Laura Guilty Femenist.mp4

Construction of Three New Classrooms at CHETI Primary has begun

Construction of 3 new classrooms funded by One Kind Act has just begun.

In case you get a bit confused by the different classroom construction projects at CHETI Primary, here is a rundown of the three classroom construction projects we have been working on at CHETI Primary this year.

BFSS classroom.mp4

BFSS Classrooms

Phase 2: 3 classrooms funded by BFSS - £17,585 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE, yet to be open. Impact report due next year

Furnishing of these 3 classrooms funded by Back to School and BFSS

Kitchen Table Charitable Trust

Phase 3: 2 classrooms funded by the Kitchen Table Charitable Trust - £11,000 CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY AND NEARLY FINISHED

OKA Classrooms


Made With Hope Advent Calendars

Made With Hope Theory of Change

Thanks to Daisy for coming in for the day in October and helping us to lay out this over-arching theory of change for Made With Hope's programme.

This TOC is a bit different from our programme/project level theories of change, it seeks to explain why we do what we do, rather than detail what the projects actually are.

Grant Applications for Toilets

Eleanor, Anna, Imogen and the Girl Empowerment volunteers are currently preparing FIVE grant applications for new toilet blocks at Mshikamano and Maji Moto. All are due in the next few weeks!

The proposals we are submitting are for pour-flush toilets with a septic tank (which are more hygienic) and that will be girl and period friendly.

<< This slideshow shows just some if the issues with the current toilets at Maji Moto and Mshikamano.

School Workshops

FYE 2018 Final Annual Report & Accounts.pdf

Annual Report Published

This is slightly old news, but it's a big deal so we will plug it again!

Our annual report is published!

If you haven't read this document yet, check it out! It's a great, concise (and pretty) account of all of our achievements and plans over the past year.

A flavour of our new partner schools....

Maweni Tour.mp4
A video tour of Maweni primary
The mostly-not-working tap and Mshikamano, and their only current tank.
The interior of an extremely barren standard 7 classroom at Mshikamano
Mshikamano Kitchen
View of Mshikamano compound
Classroom interior at Maji Moto
Existing Rainwater Harvesting tanks at Maji Moto. Whilst the tanks are large, there is not enough roof-area/guttering to fill them up.
The nearly-full toilets at Maji Moto
Maji Moto compound

We hope you enjoyed this update. We are putting it on the google site so that we can easily create an archive of previous update! Please complete the poll on slack #general to let us know what you think.

So how was it really?

Please complete this quick form to show me you made it to the end and give us your feedback!