Our Tanzanian Partner


We believe that local people who live and work in the area are the best people to implement projects in their communities. We collaborate with passionate communities, Tanzanian NGO’s and government officials.

Our first and largest partner is CHETI NGO who we began working with right at the start in 2013. Already providing high quality education and care for poor children and their families we believe that partnering with CHETI NGO has given us the best opportunity to make an impact and have been the best fit for us.

CHETI NGO is a registered charity in rural Tanzania that has improved the lives of over 8,000 disadvantaged children since 1997, by providing high quality education, support and health care. Like us, they are dedicated to transparency and makes reporting about spending and providing receipts a top priority.

CHETI was founded by Zuma Mtui, the Director, who grew up as an orphan and lived in poverty until someone took a chance on him and supported his education.

“I grew up without my parents and missed out on love and care. Nobody cared about my education. Most of my childhood was spent carrying grass for cattle and firewood from Kilimanjaro Mountain Forest to support my education. I studied very hard but the government school I went to was very bad. I was amongst 3 out of 100 students who passed my exams, even though the government school I went to was very poor quality. I could not afford to go to university but I knew that education could change people’s lives. I saw so many families living in poverty in the same way I did. I wanted to help children get out of poverty so in 1997 I opened my first school for 3 students in a room in my house that was made from mud.”


The future of our collaboration is really exciting. We believe so strongly in the goals and values of CHETI NGO that we have worked in partnership with Zuma to hire more staff to support the projects we collaboratively deliver. Together, we are working together to scale and grow more projects, reach new communities and support more children. Since 2018, we have being doing this together with the support of local government.

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All About CHETI
We have produced an "all about our partner: CHETI" document, that we often submit with funding applications. If you would like more info about CHETI, check this document out >>