
(nb the asana plan isn't complete yet!)

PERSONALISED - means a message that is tailored to the individualBATCH - an update or message that is sent to a group or segment of supporters. It may be customised to them though the use of mailmerge etc.GENERIC/UNRESTICTED - updates that related to the overall activity of Made With Hope (ie are not tied to a single project or restricted fund)[SF] - sent via or logged in salesforce[MC] - sent via mailchimp[DM] - sent by Donation Manager

Sponsor A Child

Thanks at signup


If a new donor joins Sponsor A Child, they will recieve a thank you message via salesforce, utalising a template



They will receive updates on their sponsee, via salesforce 4 times a year:

  • Jan: Christmas update
  • Aug: School grade cards
  • Black Friday/Christmas ask
  • Easter: General /school update


All sponsors will get a special update if we visit Tanzania

End of donation


If they end their sponsorship, they will receive a "thank you for all you support over the last X" message

Regular Giving

How we thank new regular donors will depend on how they chose to give to us.....


We need to contact anyone who sets up a direct debit in order to capture donor information, GDPR preferences and authorisation, any restrictions and processing a gift aid claim as required PERSONAL [SF]

Donation Manager

Donation manager will send an (very short) automatic email when a new regular signs up. AUTOMATIC [DM]

In addition, on a regular basis we will send a batch thanks to any new regular donors who have signed up in that period BATCH [SF]


As bank

Updates for Regular Donors

GENERIC [MC]: regular giving is unrestricted. We will send regular donors our monthly bulletin.

BATCH: [SF] Twice a year, we will send a special update to regular donors only, thanking them specifically for their regular support.

Makes sense this is whilst we are in Tanzania?

When regular donations stop

PERSONAL [SF] If they stop, get a "thank you for all you support over the last X".


Normally the funds raised through challenge events will be unrestricted. In this section, the person doing the challenge is called an advocate.

Thanking Advocates

  1. When they commit/ originally sign up to do the challenge or commit to advocating for the campaign. PERSONAL [SF] This will include
    • How to set up a fundraising page DONT restrict the funding!
    • Who are Made With Hope
    • Maybe some sort of support pack / top tips for fundraising
  2. When the event is done Good luck picture from CHETI PERSONAL [SF]

Thanking Donors

All donations to challenges should be via Donation Manager. Therefore all donors will receive an autothanks, which should be customised to the campaign/challenge/advocate when the page is set up. AUTOMATIC [DM]

On a weekly basis, we will check for people giving over 100, and they will get a special thanks. BATCH [SF]

During the Challenge for Advocates

PERSONAL [SF]: check in with how their training is going, monthly Founders update

Celebration of their efforts in preparing for and succeeding at the event

During the Challenge for Supporters

We expect that advocates will be keeping their own networks and donors up to date with their training/preparation. MWH will share at least 2 social media updates on their progress and challenge performance. SOCIAL MEDIA

Feedback/Trasparancy for Advocates

Once we have assigned the fundraising to a project, we will keep the advocate updated on the progress of that project

Feedback/Transparency for Donors

Donors will receive a final update once the project has been assigned and completed. (NB if the project takes a long time, there may be more so the gap is not too large) BATCH [SF]

Individual donors who give restricted funds

eg. during World Water Day


  • Autothanks [DM] if they give through donation manager
  • Weekly batch [SF] if they give in another format OR if donation is over £100
  • PERSONAL FOUNDER MESSAGE [SF] if they give over £250

Updates, Transparency & Feedback

  • All donors added to mailing list for bulletin [MC] if permitted
  • progress update on whatever it is the campaign is for (eg. "desks are in!") BATCH [SF]
  • IMPACT REPORT for the relevant campaign when the project is finished BATCH [SF]

End of donation

For those who give over £250:

  • thanks/follow up when the project is finished "thanks for being a key player in making this happen". PERSONALISED [SF]
  • Follow up with significant donors to find out more about their interests PERSONALISED [SF]

Individual donors who give UNrestricted funds


  • Autothanks [DM] if they give through donation manager
  • Weekly batch [SF] if they give in another format OR if donation is over £100
  • PERSONAL FOUNDER MESSAGE [SF] if they give over £250

Updates, Transparency & Feedback

  • All donors added to mailing list for bulletin [MC] if permitted
  • Twice yearly MWH organisational progress report for anyone who gave unrestricted in the previous 6 months "this is what you contributed to' . Likely to be drawn from other updates. BATCH [SF]

End of donation

For those who give over £250:

  • Follow up with significant donors to find out more about their interests PERSONALISED [SF]


We have identified two types of grant funders for stewardship purposes, 'formal' and 'family'

Updates, Transparency & Feedback for formal trusts

Meeting reporting requirements

Updates, Transparency & Feedback for family trusts

Finding opportunities to update as there aren't formal reporting requirements. More informal and personal


We have identified two stakeholders within School Partnerships, our lead contact/teacher or "school champion" and the wider school community or "school"

We want

Thanks for school champions

Personalised [SF] email of thanks

Thanks for schools

Certificate/poster/resources sent to advocate to share with school

Updates, Transparency & Feedback for School Champions

Add to mailing list

Updates, Transparency & Feedback for Schools

BATCH Post/resources/update send to advocate to share termly

When the partnership ends, send a personalised [SF] "thank you for all you support over the last X, this is what we have achieved together" email with resources attached for these messages to be communicated more widely (eg. a school certificate)
