Minnesota Community Care

my role as a Health Advocate

Kylie Byrd 


Since the fall of 2021, I have had the opportunity to work as a Health Advocate for Minnesota Community Care (MCC). As a Health Advocate for MCC, I assist the Health Educators in Health Start School-Based Clinics (St. Paul high schools) with direct service to teen patients, classroom-based health education, youth advisory groups, and youth development programs. This has consisted of assisting with sex education conversations in classrooms, meeting with the students to discuss health goals for the school, creating advertisements to promote the health start clinics on a variety of platforms, and most recently helping plan and prepare for our month-long anti-vaping campaign in the Saint Paul High Schools. This position, built upon my knowledge base of health education, allowed me to develop teaching and facilitation skills for classrooms and programs, and become more comfortable providing direct service to students. 

About Minnesota Community Care

Minnesota Community Care is an organization offering a wide range of services from medical care, dental, optometry, pharmacy, sexual health, gender care, to harm reduction to name a few. They have been serving residents of Saint Paul for over 50 year and is currently the largest community healthcare organization in Minnesota. Their mission is to strengthen the well-being of our Saint Paul community to providing access to exceptional and comprehensive health care to all. The Health Start Clinics are an initiative in the Saint Paul public schools to provide greater health care access to youths in the community. 

My Role and Learning Objectives 

I entered this position with three main objectives - to gain more experience in health education, working with youth in health, and exposure to the work of practicing health professionals. I met my objective of learning more about health education by shadowing health educators. Through shadowing multiple educators I got to see a diverse range of teaching styles, communication, and professional skills. This allowed me to envision how I might want to incorporate certain approaches into my own educator style and think about what I see as the most effective ways to teach the curriculum. Additionally, seeing different types of curricula for sex education in action expanded my breadth of knowledge in styles of health education. I was able to gain more experience working with youth in health simply by being in the Health Start clinics at Como High School. Every day in the clinic I was able to meet new students and build upon my relationships with regular student visitors. One of my specific tasks as a Health Advocate intern is to work closely with the youth advisory board (composed of selected youth from the Saint Paul High Schools). Working with the youth advisory board gave me the unique opportunity to work with students both as a mentor and peer on health education-based tasks and towards health goals, they want to see in their high schools. Through both shadowing and being in the clinics I was able to gain the exposure to health professionals at work I was hoping for. The MCC health start clinics had professionals ranging from health educators, medical assistants, therapists, nutritionists, providers, and dietitians to name a few. As a Community and Global Health concentrator, I aspire to work in healthcare in the future but was not exactly sure as to what my exact position may be. So, to be able to observe a diverse range of health professionals and their day-to-day work has been extremely valuable in guiding my interests in healthcare. 


My experience as a Health Advocate intern at Minnesota Community care has allowed me to be a part of many of the core concepts of public health in action. A great part of the liberal arts education is taking a multidisciplinary approach, working as an intern through a community health organization has allowed me to do just that by giving me the great experience to take my learning beyond the classroom. My own experience as a Macalester intern has shown me the great value of the public health concept of community and development partnership. Working as an intern has given me greater connections to specifically the youth in my community and contributed to my own development as a future health professional. It has also allowed me to see how the organization relies on community engagement for the success of its clinics, the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and the well-being of its youths. The public health concept of mental health has been a major focus during my time as an intern at Minnesota Community Care. Given the task of spreading awareness of resources in high school, I was able to use my liberal arts background to exercise both my creativity and research skills to best reach the youth audience. The strength in the relationship between me and the Minnesota Community Care organization taught me the public health concepts of professionalism and communication. It has been such a privilege to represent Macalester in this position! 


About Us - Mission and Vision. Minnesota Community Care. (2023, March 8). from https://www.mncare.org/about-community-based-health/

Kylie Byrd

I am from Mill Creek, Washington and will be graduating from Macalester with a neuroscience major, biology, chemistry, and psychology minor, and community and global health concentration! In my free time I enjoy spending time with my friends, trying new "foodie" places, traveling, and collecting squishmallows. After Macalester I will be attending the Universtiy of Connecticut where I will be getting my Master of Science in Surgical Neurophysiology.