Leadership Transformation

How can we relieve student and employee pain points? Can we streamline for efficiency? How can our leaders better empower their people?

Daring to ask questions like these is where true transformation — and a satisfying student and employee experience — begins.

Enthusiasm for student and employee success is driving decision-making.

Why is there a new leadership structure?

The landscape of higher education is changing rapidly, and so are the needs of today’s students. Cultural factors like AI are transforming what the workforce of today — and tomorrow — will look like, and universities must be nimble enough to adapt, providing students what they need to be successful not just now, but for years to come.


That’s why we are streamlining and reimagining the leadership structure of the University of Lynchburg. These alignments better position each area to collaborate and communicate with one another, providing students and employees with a superior experience.

This new structure also minimizes inefficiencies and redundancies, providing leaders with greater autonomy and accountability as well as the opportunity to develop new and exciting programs. 

Additionally, positions have been standardized with uniform titles and banding across the university, providing a clear career trajectory and path for professional growth.

Academic Affairs & Strategic Operations

Vice President for Academics and Strategic Operations and Chief Academic Officer - Dr. Jeremy M. Welsh

Accountable to the Academic Excellence & Student Success Committee (Board of Trustees )

Offices located on Hall Campus Center 4th floor


Academic Programs

General Education Oversight

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Writing Enriched (WE)

Academic Operations 

Office of Graduate Success

Claytor Nature Center

Historic Sandusky

Daura Museum of Art

Educational Technology (CETO)


Instructional Design



Distance Education

Teaching and Learning Center

Wilmer Writing Center

Professional Development Institute (PDI)

Academic Governance

Academic Growth Strategy


Academic Efficiencies

Academic Initiatives

University Research Center

Human Resources

Employee Onboarding

Faculty Services

Inclusive Excellence (CDO)

Employee Development

Performance Management

Title IX (Grand River Solutions)

Visa Immigration Services

Veterans Services

Campus Safety

Campus Experience & Student Success 

Vice President for Experience and Student Success- Kristen Cooper

Accountable to the Academic Excellence & Student Success Committee (Board of Trustees )

Offices located on Hundley Hall, First and Second floors

Student Experience



Case management

Disability accommodations

Hornet Care (wellness, health, and counseling)

Inclusion and Belonging


On-call crisis management coordination

Residence Life

Spiritual Life

Student behavior/honor code 

Student onboarding (orientation)

Student Sports

Campus Recreation

Club Sports


Athletics continues to report to the President's Office, but will collaborate more closely with Campus Experience & Student Success.

University Outreach

Vice President for University Outreach - Aaron Basko

Accountable to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (Board of Trustees )

Located in Alumni House

Admissions outreach


Financial Aid strategy



Community outreach

Alumni engagement


Career development, networking, and mentoring

Community Service and outreach

Constituent and Community connections

Fundraising and development

Grant writing


Parent and family connections


Media & University outreach




Interim Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer- Terry Lanham

Accountable to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (Board of Trustees )

Located on Hall 2nd floor

Fiscal Integrity

Financial Responsibility

Control over Financial Resources

Strategic and Operational Financial Efficiency


Financial Planning


Cash Flow

Investment Priorities

Policy Matters

Financial Control over Externally Funded or Sponsored Research Programs

Financial Liaison to Board of Trustees

Long-range Financial Planning

Asset Management

Debt Management


Financial Aid Audits (State / Federal)

Fund Management and Net Tuition Revenue

Endowment Management


Risk Management / Property Insurance


University Data, Analytics, & Effectiveness

Vice President, Institutional Accreditation Liaison to SACSCOC, and Chief Data Officer- Christy Cole

Accountable to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (Board of Trustees )

Located in Hall Campus Center, 1st floor

CIO (Systems and Data Management)

IT Hardware

Network and Cyber Security (CTO / CISO)

Integrated Data Platform

Data Governance

Reporting and Analytics

Organizational Effectiveness

General Education / QEP Assessment

Student Achievement and Outcomes


Governance Documents

Policies / Processes

Organizational Compliance

NEW Solutions Center

Located on Drysdale, 2nd floor

Easily get help with:

Academic Records

Financial Aid

Billing/Student Accounts/Cashier


HR benefits

ID Services

IT User Support (Help Desk Functions)


And more!

What is the Solutions Center?

The Solutions Center is a reimagined one-stop shop where service-oriented departments combine into one center so that faculty, staff, and students can find the help they need all in one place. 

Employees will be cross-trained so that anyone can at least triage a student or employee’s question or problem regarding issues such as course scheduling, HR benefits, IT help, parking, student accounts, financial aid, and more. 

Chief of Staff & Organizational Strategy

The university’s new Chief of Staff and Organizational Strategy Dr. Daniel Hall will be a strategic partner to the president, providing leadership, coordination, and oversight to ensure the effective implementation of the university's vision and goals.


Hall joined the University of Lynchburg in 2018 and has been a faculty member and program director in the Counselor Education Program. He has served in numerous leadership roles within the university, including Chief Innovation Officer and the elected Faculty Chair. His prior professional experience included serving as a leadership development consultant at The Center for Creative Leadership, a Human Resource Manager in the manufacturing sector, and an Event Manager in the sports and entertainment industry.