History & Timeline

While the changes happening now may seem new, they are actually the fulfillment of years-long planning and strategizing.

Whether fulfilling our Strategic Plan or putting the recommendations of external consultants and internal faculty and staff committees into action, Lynchburg's current transformation is the culmination of years of hard work.

Fulfilling our Strategic Plan

The 5-year strategic plan set forth in Feb. 2022 stated the university's intention to:


The transformation happening now aligns with and supports each of these initiatives.

Getting here:

2018 - Lynchburg College becomes the University of Lynchburg. Board of Trustees directs Academic Affairs to reassess its structure within 3-5 years.

2020 - COVID pandemic hits, and enrollment drops. President Alison Morrison-Shetlar takes the helm Aug. 1. Monthly faculty and staff meetings initiated.

2021 - Red Chair Chats, which allow faculty, staff, and students to regularly meet with the president and share their opinions, begin. External consultants meet with Enrollment staff - feedback is implemented. The University Strategic Plan is developed.

2022 - Expanded Faculty Policy Committee is charged to come up with recommendations to the provost and president to remove more than $3.9M from AA budget. External consultants meet with Academic Affairs staff.

2023 - Reduction of operational budgets by 20%. In-depth program analysis commissioned.

2024 - Academic Affairs restructure process takes place, Jan-May. New mission, vision, and values for the university are drafted and confirmed.

Moving forward:


May - Changes are announced. Affected students are notified and assisted.

June - Staff moving to new departments phase out of their previous roles and begin learning their new ones.

July - New roles in new teams begin. University-wide strategic team-building take place.

2024-2028 - Program teach out continues to serve students in affected majors.