Data Confirmation Guide

Aeries Student Data Confirmation for Families

A Parent account in Aeries allows you to view your student(s) demographic information, emergency information, grades, attendance, and much more. With this account, you can also edit any of the important information about your child throughout the school year. Aeries allows you and your student(s) school site to have the most up to date information.

If you do not have a Parent Aeries Account please click on Aeries for Families to setup an account.

Performing e-Registration/”Data Confirmation” in Aeries:

1. Visit on a full computer (do not use a tablet or mobile phone)

2. Log in with your Parent account

3. After successfully log in verify you have a 'Parent' account by looking at the text "Welcome to the Parent Portal" typically found in the center of your screen under blue box with a yellow border.

    • If your portal states 'Student Portal' you will need to create a new parent account with a different email address. You can find instructions on how to create an account at the following link: Aeries for Families

4. In the upper left corner of your parent portal, select 'Student Info' and click on 'Data Confirmation'

5. You will see seven (7) tabs on this page. You will go through each tab and verify that the data is correct and up to date.

  • Residence Survey : This is a required survey that must be collected at the start of the year. Please choose the option the best fits your current residence.

  • Student*: This is your student’s primary information. You can edit any of the information by clicking the “Change” button.

  • Contacts: This tab is all of the emergency contacts that you would like to use for your student in case of an emergency. Be sure to add the parents/guardians from the “Student Demographics” tab to this list of contacts. You may add as many as you feel appropriate.

    • Update a contact: Click on the contact's name and then on the 'Change' button.

    • Add a contact: Click on the 'Add' button at the bottom of the page

    • Medical History: If your student does not have any medical conditions, you may move on to the next tab. If your student has a condition, select the appropriate condition, and fill out the requested information. Hit “Save” when you are complete.

    • Documents: To review items, click on the text in your portal that states 'Click Here'. A window will open to allow you to view all the documents your school site provided to you. One you review the information check mark the box to the right of the document indicating you have reviewed the items.

    • Authorizations: You can either Allow/Accept the requested information on this tab, or you can Deny/Decline the information. Please complete all of the requested information. Please hit “Save” when you are complete.

    • Final Data Confirmation: Once you click Confirm and Continue on the last screen, you will be prompted to print a confirmation, or "emergency card." Some schools require this for in-person registration. Check your school's documentation to verify.

6. Do you have more than one child in the district? You will need to select your other student using the 'Change Student' link in the right hand corner of your screen at then repeat the steps above on this documentation:

*Some Demographic information such as home address and student name are unable to be changed in the Aeries Parent Portal. Please contact your student's school to find out more information.