The United States

A Varied Landscape


Types of Maps

  1. Political maps display artificial boundaries between counties, states, or nations and shows where cities or state capitals are located.
  2. Region maps show the areas of land that share a common characteristic.
  3. Economic or resource maps show the specific types of economic activity or natural resources present in an area through the use of different symbols or colors.
  4. The weather map below shows the high and low pressure systems that cause cold and warm fronts.
Types of Maps.docx

United States Climate Region Map

United States - Political Map of State Boundaries

Pacific Northwest

Mount Hood/Mirror Lake, Oregon

Shoshone Falls, Idaho

Boise, Idaho

Mount St. Helens, Washington


Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada

Mojave Trails, California

White Sands, New Mexico

Bryce Canyon Arches, Utah

Joshua Tree National Park, California

Grand Canyon, Arizona

Horseshoe Bend (Grand Canyon), Arizona

Northern Plains

Custer State Park, South Dakota

Uncle Tom's Trail Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Native Prairie in East Central North Dakota

Panorama Point, Nebraska

Rocky Mountains National Park, Colorado

Southern Plains

Mount Sunflower, Kansas

Texas Hill Country

Lubbock County (Texas)

Concho River near San Angelo, Texas

Gulf Coast near Corpus Christi, Texas

Flint Hills, Kansas

Southwestern Oklahoma

Red Dirt of Oklahoma

Franklin Mountains (Texas)

Gulf Coast Prairie (Texas)


Itasca State Park, Minnesota

Dillard Mill, Missouri

Quarry Park in Marion, Ohio

Ash Cave at Hocking Hills State Park in Logan, Ohio

Madison, Wisconsin

Fall Leaves in Brown County, Indiana

Walker, Indiana


Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Acadia National Park in Maine

Rural Pennsylvania

Allegheny Mountains, West Virginia

Adirondack Mountains in New York

Lake Placid, New York

Swamp in West Virginia


Smoky Mountains National Park in South Carolina

Newfound Gap Mountain Pass Appalachian Mountains in Tennessee

Hot Springs, Arkansas

Lee County, Virginia

Cypress Dome Swamp at Everglades National Park in Florida

Major Rivers in the United States

The Great Lakes

*Memory Tool: HOMES = Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Eerie, Superior


LATITUDE - distance measured in degrees north or south from an imaginary line (called the equator) that run horizontally around the earth

REGION - an area of land that has a common characteristic (political unity, language, dialect) or has common landforms or climate patterns

GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS - physical and human conditions that impact the environments of places and regions

POLITICAL BOUNDARY - the imaginary line between two cities, counties, or countries based on the decision for that area to have the same government

CLIMATE - the usual weather conditions in a particular place or region

VEGETATION - plants in general; plants that cover a particular area

RURAL - of or relating to the country and the people who live there

URBAN - of, relating to, typical of a city and the people who live there

LONGITUDE - distance measured in degrees east or west from an imaginary line (called the prime meridian) that runs vertically around the earth from the North Pole to the South Pole

LANDFORM - a natural physical feature on the earth's surface

SETTLEMENT PATTERNS - the physical arrangement observed by looking at where people live

PHYSICAL FEATURE - a landform, body of water, climate, natural vegetation, and type of soil found on the earth

ECONOMY - the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought in a country or region

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES - a chance to improve one's way of life through the use of natural resources or by doing a job, selling products, or providing a service.

CENSUS - the official process of counting the number of people in a country, city, or town and collecting information about them

DISTRIBUTION - the way something is divided or spread out

Fun Zone

State Capitals Practice

Click the images below to play the games!

Geography Vocabulary Practice

Click on the image below!

General Resources: Many of the wonderful resources found throughout this site are gathered from dozens of available links from other dynamic teachers, districts or organizations accessible on the web. The external resources are not the property of Lubbock I.S.D.