Why do we have SOPPA?

It’s purpose is to keep students and their data safe.

Schools are a know “data goldmine” if you will. It is our responsibility to help take steps to keep student data safe.

Does every website a student use have to be approved?

No. Only sites that require account login or collect P.I.I. (Personally Identifiable Information)

How can I get more sites allowed?

Ask your admin for access to the form, doc to put in your request. The technology committee will be periodically reviewing.

What should I do if something is not on the approved list?

Stop using it, request to see if you can use in the future. Feel free to reach out to have help finding a replacement, or work around. I would be happy to help you find a way to make your content work…and stay in SOPPA Compliance.

If it’s on Clever…does that make it okay?

Not necessarily. Clever is just a portal. Clever can have many things added - with or without our district’s legal agreement for SOPPA. To be sure if adding it is SOPPA Approved - check the district’s SOPPA list. The District Page of SOPPA is all okay. It’s only tricky when you are adding links on your own.

Where is the SOPPA List?

Click here to go to the Pikeland Information on what has been SOPPA approved.

What is SOPPA?

  • SOPPA stands for Student Online Personal Protection Act.

  • SOPPA was enacted on July 1, 2021

  • SOPPA was created to hold 3rd party enterprises accountable for maintaining student data privacy

  • Districts must have signed legal agreements with vendors

  • Districts must post publicly (website) the agreements and any data breaches reported

  • Districts, Schools, Classrooms are required to complete SOPPA agreements before creating any student/class accounts

What does SOPPA mean for me as a teacher?

Any accounts your students, or you as teacher set up for them (or access) - must have SOPPA agreement if it requires any student data.

What is information that would constitute an agreement?

Some examples:

  • Student Name

  • Student ID

  • Student birthdate

  • Student Data (through programs with scores)

  • Student District Email

Current SOPPA Approved Resources as of 9/15/2022

District SOPPA as of 9.14.22

Additional Information

What is SOPPA?

LTC Illinois (Video 1 min)

State of Illinois

The full legislation from the General Assembly.

Student Privacy Brief

Legislative Briefs & Updates on State laws regarding student privacy