Is it Recess Yet? (Blog Entry)

Summer feels a little like recess. An extended reset. We can feel it on the horizon: the days are getting warmer, sun is shining a little longer, and kids (teachers & admin too!) have an aura of anticipation around them. It doesn’t mean I don’t like teaching, or kids, it’s okay to be ready for the next chapter.

This summer especially, as I look back over the last two summers, it’s hard to even think of all the stuff….(yes, stuff. Is there even a better word?) that we encountered and endured. Even in just this one school year, there have been so many changes, compound those with everything since March 2020…it’s a lot.

Teachers, students, parents, and administrators have rallied through so much - it’s time to step back & reset. Through it all, there has been great resilience, dedication to handle challenges and opportunities to embrace change. But…it’s okay to need a recess…for kids & grown-ups.

Bringing it back to the tech we ready ourselves for the break, it reminds me of a thing my mom used to do before we went on a trip. She would make us clean the house! Top to bottom, every dirty dish, every stitch of laundry, every Cabbage Patch doll. In fact, the house felt cleaner than usual! As a kid…I hated this tradition. As a mom, I continue this tradition, because I know that means when we come home fresh & relaxed…the messy house won’t bring me down! As a teacher, I adapt this tradition.

As your digital support guide: Here are some “Clean-up” tips before vacation and when you come back - you’ll be ready to start! Fresh & clean just like Momma wanted!

Also as your digital support guide: I’ll give you some exciting learning for yourself! Maybe for just a moment or two, you’ll be “that kid”. You know the one…the one that takes their reading books, writing journal, or even math homework out to recess….In teacher world that looks like: Summer PD, Learning on your own, working on teaching stuff (just a little bit) - - Read on and sign up for summer learning for you too!

Google Clean UP for the Summer....

It's nearing the end of the year - Let's leave our "digital house" clean and tidy before heading out the door for summer. Use this list to guide some digital clean up:

✅ Archive your Google Classroom Classes

Navigate to your Google Classroom

When you are viewing the tile of the classroom, click the three dots in the upper right. Choose Archive.

Spend 5 minutes a day - Delete/Archive old emails

Set a timer. Once you get started it might be hard to stop! Just a bit a day and you'll be tidy in no time. My steps: I usually start at the bottom. Those are most likely so old, they aren't needed anymore! Then I make quick decisions and star, archive or delete!

Star & Archive: Important...I probably still need this email but not in my inbox!

Archive: I might search for you one day, but you are definitely not needed in my inbox.

Delete: I am done with this email! Delete & gone! Usually used for promotions, newsletters, etc.

*Note: Next year: Book 10 minutes weekly to "tidy" your inbox and it won't look like an episode of Hoarders anymore (definitely talking to myself here!)

"Untitled" Files

In your Google Drive, search "Untitled"

To quickly look at each file, select the document & click P on your keyboard.

Don't need that file? REMOVE :)

Like it? Want to keep it? Rename it & File it in a folder.

Want to see this in action - Check out my short GIF to help.

And, I just took my own advice. My digital life feels a little cleaner now. :) Hope you find these helpful too.

Want more clean up tips & some great GIFs to show you:

Check out Coach Jen Leban's Clean Up tips

Add some different fun to end the year...

Emoji Mixer: Click here to visit

A simple user interface where two emojis mix. The combinations can be wildly funny! Do the mix 3 times and you have 3 very different characters. I wonder what creative stories your students could make!

In Emoji Mixer easily copy your "Mixed Emoji" and then drop into Google Drawings...set the scene - or straight to Google Slides for the story. If you make something fun - make sure to share! A class Google Jamboard to share your creations is a fabulous idea.

Teachers, looking for fun new digital stickers - this is an option! Create, copy & paste on student work to show them they did a great job! How else can you use them?

Plugged in - gives Unplugged idea!

I'm not ALL digital! I love an inspiring idea that is unplugged too! Check out this tweet & amazing idea from Kathi Kersznowski on a way to enjoy nature.

If you try it out - make sure to tweet your results to me! @epool01 and Kathi @kerszi - I'd love to see!

Don't have "the Twitter" yet? It's works too!

After the introduction of the lesson and basics...this student coded a Donut with sprinkles!

Pencil Code Gym

Easily one of my new FAVORITE sites to start kids coding on. It's simple to start and lends itself to independent, open, creative learning. Visit to get started.

In classes I visited we did a GEOMETRY Challenge:

  • Can you make a square?

  • Can you make 2 concentric squares?

  • Can you make congruent shapes...that are disconnected?

From these challenges students get reinforcement (or exposure) to concepts like angles, geometry terms, length measurements (and what shape that makes it), coordinate graphing and so much more!

My favorite is to start with Draw > Line Techniques...just sayin'.

And no SOPPA login required. It doesn't save work, but Ss could copy their code and save in a Doc.

Where will you go?

For real? or For Virtual? Studying about our world is a great way to engage students. Here are some great ideas & connections to try:

FlipGrid : GridPals - It's not too late to sign up and connect with a class in another part of the US or abroad! Click to learn more and connect. What a great way to learn beyond the walls!

Plan a Vacation! Google Applied Skills : Check out the Google Applied Skills - a great way to get students and yourself trying a new tool (with support!) The Plan a Vacation walks students through creating a budget in a Google Sheet. Next Level...connect with a vision board (Google Slide?) to showcase your "trip" - bonus points if you include YouTube connections, or Google Earth to showcase! What a project this could be!

Where on Earth is CARMEN SANDIEGO? Bringing back the classics from 1985! This game is a novel way to test your worldly knowledge and travel to find Carmen. Let you & your students learn & have fun finding Carmen SanDiego. Play as a class and create a shared Jamboard of the places she traveled to and what you learned!

31 Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

Collected by "We Are Teachers" this site has put together a great list of "places" to visit virtually. There is so much we can learn from seeing and exploring. Use these as starts for great study & conversation in your classroom!

...but there's still time

to learn!

Summer PD Opportunities

Check out these opportunities to grow in your own learning. Grab a few badges, a new certificate or just explore for fun!

Want to stay up to date when new opportunities are added?

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