The 4 C's : Noticing & highlighting the "Good Stuff" in Education

When December rolls around, the Pool house often fills with words that start with C. Christmas, Clause, cookies, candy, candles, church, carols....oh and did I mention cookies? (Usually a lot of cookies...). These are all things that bring joy, togetherness, and happiness to our family.

As I sat down to write, I knew this would be a great time to share about another group of C's that also bring joy, togetherness, happiness....oh, and the benefit of great learning: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, & Communication. So, why and how can I make these fit seamlessly in my classroom?

The's not just that the term is buzzworthy...they are considered and referred to as "21st Century Learning Skills". The skills that Google, Alexa and Siri can't just conjure an answer for. These skills help students learn, they are engaging and FUN! Beyond that the 4 Cs are critical in supporting students beyond school and into the citizens we want in our communities.

In today's age, information is cheap and thinking sometimes is the million dollar question. The 4 Cs are not a curriculum, a program, a fad, a passing thing...they are the critical tools for 21st-century learners and workers. The good news? It's all very possible, in fact YOU are doing it...but can we find ways to add to it? Increase the opportunities? Let's take a look at the C's in a bit more detail:

Collaboration: Whether it's digital or analog, collaboration is key. I can't remember the last time I did something well and did it alone. (I'll probably even pull in some help to edit me here! -->I'm looking at your Mr. English Teacher...just ignore my ellipses. I think they add character...but seriously let me know what to change! There isn't a job out there that doesn't require collaboration. Collaboration is not an innate skill. It takes opportunities to grow and develop. Classrooms are the perfect place to help kids learn to work together. Sharing ideas, relying on each other to learn, project experts...Learning to collaborate = priceless.

Communication: Let's face it - it's everywhere. In-person, messenger, chat boxes, email, text messages, Snap Chat.... the list goes on and on. There are a plethora of ways to communicate, but what's the right way? How do we navigate all these digital tools? How can students learn to use these tools, with our guidance? In a classroom that adds the 4 C's, communication falls in easily. This classroom also helps students develop good digital citizen habits in their uber-connected world.

Critical Thinking: Google, remember when it was just a number...., search engines, or the phone at your hand has made finding information easy in 2021. But, finding the right information, from a credible source, and knowing what to do with it....that's critical thinking. Having "the world at my fingertips" is great and all...but what if I don't know what to do? Students need chances to analyze, problem-solve and figure out the answers - when the answers aren't clear. That's life, right? Not usually one simple answer...

Creativity: I don't think it's fair to have a favorite C, but if I did.... Again - this doesn't have to be digital, but it also doesn't only pop up in analog. Creativity is a muscle that only grows with practice. Students know what they like (#likeandsubscribe). They know what's fun, entertaining and time-stealing...but do they have chances to find their flow? Technology sometimes gets a bad rap when it is used for too much consumption (YouTube, TikTok, Facebook...I'm looking at you!) but what about when it's used for students to create? to share? to do good? In schools, we have the perfect opportunity to give them boundaries, purpose, and freedom to create. Given the chance, students almost always amaze and astound me. New inventions/creations don't happen when we follow what's already been done...

In closing, this is a HUGE topic. This article is just the tip of the iceberg. We'll keep diving into this, and as my role as partner - I will keep seeking and aiming to bring you anything to help you add this to your toolbox. The best part - you can start anytime, start small, start big...try something. Even better - it's not all digital, it's not all print - it's just about good teaching and learning opportunities.

I'm happy to help you explore and find ways you didn't know could engage and inspire your students! So, this December carve some time to have fun, work hard..and add some extra C's in your world! Below I've posted some ideas to get you started.

Now....back to those first C's......cookies?

With care,

Quick Clicks! For Fun...and Function

Cultivate Calm

Looking for some ways to infuse calm, or maybe find fun & relaxing things to do these last weeks?

Check out these resources:

Dance Party, Calming Fireplace, or

De-Stress with the Stars App!

*All fun, free & no logins required*

5 Tools for Calm Visit TCEA Blog here.

Fun with Fonts!

Do you like to match your fonts to the season? But, there's never enough time.

Here's a quick tip: TCEA has a great blog post about matching your feelings for fonts to the season. The best part - this curated list could save you a TON of time in choosing just the right one. So...font lovers unite! Go have fun and see the Seasonal Fonts here at the TCEA blog.

12 Days of Christmas Sites

Coach Stacie from Southern IL shared this site...maybe you'll find some fun here too! Check it out!

EduTopia Blog 12 Days of Christmas

Explore these great finds on ways to add some C's to your class:

Critical Thinking Which one is not like the other? Try this fun activity from "Brave New Teaching" - their podcast Episode 54. Here's the short: Put 4 items together - then have students describe which one doesn't belong!

Think on this one ----> Ex: Ariel, Mulan, Jasmine, & Moana

Well...the obvious is Ariel (red hair)...but what if we ask students to dig deeper - and explain? This could work for any subject...math, social studies, art....can't see how it fits? I'd be happy to help!

#greatdiscussions Link to the Podcast Site


  • Try Podcasting with your kids! Visit Chris Nesi at House of EdTech (choose to listen to the episode...or just click on the tips!)

  • Collaborative problem-solving! Write a story together!

  • Have you used a JAMboard in Google yet? Bring kids together and share ideas on this collaborative whiteboard. Matt Miller of Ditch That Textbook - full of ideas to get you started!


  • TALK! Make time for class discussion - share about your lives. Share circles, classroom meetings...not only are these GREAT for class morale, they build connection....later resulting in increased engagement. Have a topic of the day - share about the silly holiday of the day - anything that gets them talking.

  • If class sharing = low engagement, nervous or shy kids - see the critical thinking activity as a low bar way to get kids chatting. When we support the boundaries, we support their growth into being able to have great conversations. A fun debate about whether "A Few of my favorite things" should or should not be a Christmas carol? Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas" overused? Or...what IS the best Christmas carol? 5- 10 minutes - but a priceless opportunity for student growth!


As I type....and use a TON of my creativity....I can't find a single link in my brain to share. Not an idea to be had. So...paint - create - green screen....this is an area to add to! But I wanted to share what I had...and not have perfection paralysis!

Now let's have some fun for the teachers too!

This month's Click & Win Challenge....----->

Click the picture to play! Enter your opinion and your thoughts on this Google Form! But...the real power is communication so - try it in your teacher's workroom...or with your family!

Which one doesn't belong?

Notice errors? Things I could improve? I am a HUGE Proponent of feel free to help a girl out! Thanks for reading. Want to send me a shoutout? Email...tweet...stop me in the hall!

Thanks Team!

"Hey Google...What's New?"

There are some updates that might interest you in the Google Sphere:

Turn Off Slides Filmstrip

In Slides, you now have the option to "TURN OFF" the film strip to the side. This can make drag and drop activities easier! Watch the gif to show you how!

Google Classroom Multi Page Availability

Check out this TWEET from Google for Education

Adding multiple files to an assignment just got easier!

Click to view Tweet

Click picture of tweet to watch a short video of how it works!