Notebook or Chromebook

Staying organized and creating a tool from which to study is the best way to set yourself up for success. With advances in technology, there are more organization options than ever. This year we are are going to use them all! At the beginning of the year everyone is going "old school" and using a traditional notebook in an untraditional way. I'll show you some examples and walk you through the process to create a tool that has all the information organized to make it easy to learn. You can find some details below. At one point in the year we will switch to the Chromebooks and learn to organize notes and support information in a different way. (This will take place at quarter for 8th grade and semester for 7th grade. ) After one unit, as long as your test grade doesn't drop, you can choose which system works best for you.

Before you hand in your notebook, make sure you completed the following:

A Coversheet: Creating this helps you review the material. You should have:

A. Yellow sticky tab

B. Your name

C. Title

D. Five colorful visual clues (pick information you did NOT know when you started the chapter)

2) Organization

Did you place your notes on the right page and the support material on the left page?

Did you date your notes?

Are the notes in the order in which they were given?

Is the support material next to the notes they support?

Is the support material folded appropriately?

Is the support material labeled with enough information?