Our Activities

LEF School Impact Grant recipient

Southside was awarded a $5,000 School Impact Grant from the Lafayette Education Foundation (LEF). This grant was dedicated to providing students the tools and resources for thoroughly investigating the Vermilion River Watershed through the language of computer programming and coding. Coding is a new form of digital literacy that provides a platform for observing natural phenomenon, analyzing past or present occurrences, predicting future activity, and discussing local community involvement as it relates to science concepts taught in school. Through code, students monitored the Vermilion water system, analyzed and identified potential problems, then produced videos to further explain a problem and offer possible solutions. This effort requires learners from all Science courses to examine the problem from their specific content perspective. Our biology students explored the ecosystem by testing the samples using a water monitoring system with scientific calculators and coding extension devices. They were able to then create presentations on their processes for the next phase. Physical science students collected information from the first phase students then analysed the data and reported on the status of the Vermilion River. Finally, the environmental science classes examined the physical environment through research and used the information from the first two phases of the project to develop public service announcements to increase community awareness of the importance of maintaining a sustainable river system. This work took place over an instructional school year.