Innovation Celebration

Celebrating curiosity and growth in educational technology at Loyola Academy

Welcome to Innovation Celebration, a curation of examples of Loyola Academy teachers and students stepping outside their comfort zones to leverage technology in creative ways to enhance learning. We applaud their continued efforts to grow our 1:1 learning environment, especially during the COVID-19 hybrid challenges!

Site pages are organized by department. Each sample is a glimpse into the exciting things that are happening in our classrooms, whether in- person or remote. Included are the desired learning outcomes, alignment to International Society for Technology in Education standards, and a list of tools used. Check out other tips, tools, tricks, on our Resources Page.

Don't see your department page listed? You can contribute to this site by filling out this short form with the basics:


Education technology standards to transform learning and teaching

Clear guidelines and common language provide a framework for adapting to dynamic technologies so that we can empower our students for college, career, and life in a connected world.

Want to know more? Watch the student-created video below and visit the ISTE Standards frequently asked questions.