Kindergarten Music


Pitch Exploration

Slide Whistles and "That sounds Yummy!"

Student: “My name is ______ and my favorite food is ________”,      Class: “Mmmmm!” 

(in the style of "The Ice Cream Sundae” pitch exploration)


When we visit Arioso-land each week we can only understand each other if we are singing.

 (developing appropriate singing voice - head voice). "This is my speaking voice/This is my singing voice"

Song Fragments...Echos

"Oh, My!  No More Pie..."

teacher led and student led

Simple Songs

"Welcome and Say Hello"

"Frog In the Meadow"

Movement Exploration

The End is Near!  "I think I hear the ending coming and now it's time to stop"

Straight and Wiggly

Movement Exploration

"Old Brass Wagon" a traditional circle dance

Movement for Form & Expression

"Wake Up You Lazybones!"

"At the Bottom of the Sea"

Movement for Form & Expression - with Classical Music

"The Aquarium" from Camille Saint-Saen's Carnival of the Animals

Beat Motions with our Musician of the Month -  Michael Franti


"Kitty Alone"


Pitch Exploration

They'll be owls hoo-hooing and ghosts boo-booing!

Song Fragments


"Wolf Swamp Cheer"

I don’t know but I’ve been told - A great school sits on Wolf Swamp Road

People there are cool and kind - Best place to learn that you will find

Try new things and make mistakes - Learn from them, that’s what it takes

Work hard, play hard all day long - Then we get to sing this song

Sound off - Wolf Swamp    Sound off - Wolf Pack

Wolf Swamp Wolf Pack.    Ahwoo, ahwoo, ahwoo!

Simple Song

"Leaves Are Falling Down"

Tuneful - we'll enjoy this simple and haunting minor melody

Artful - To make the experience magical we'll use scarves and streamers to show the dancing, falling leaves.  We'll also add flourishes like wind chimes and finger cymbals.

Beat Motions - Student Initiated

Listen, listen, listen well!  ( someone's ) going to get the bell!

Listen, listen isn't that neat?  (student's name ) playing a steady beat!

Movement for Form & Expression - Fingerplays

Pumpkin, pumpkin, round and fat, turn into a jack-o-lantern just like that!

10 Little Fingers

Movement for Form & Expression 

"The Halloween Song" 

This song is all about the actions and how they fit onto the patterns in the song.  All of the zombies slowly rise up from the ground and then scare themselves silly!


"Listen to the Water"


The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything


Pitch Exploration

Flying Puppets and Beat Buddies

Movement Exploration

Listen and Move  - ME pg. 10

I'll Count to 10 ~ Here and There (straight and twisted)

Keeping the Beat/Moving with Expression

Pumpkin Chant


Simple Songs

Hop Old Squirrel

How many ways will Old Squirrel move his body?  This is also a song to foster good intonation, steady beat, and phrasing.


"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"

Begin work on songs for Celebration of Winter Holidays

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer -

The K classes lead this song with ASL motions

Check out the slides to the right to find all of the songs you will be learning!

2024 Winter Holiday Celebration With Links


Pitch Exploration

Stick Ribbons 

Song Fragments - Echos

"Che Che Koolay"

Beat Motion

"Auld Lang Syne"

Movement Exploration

Move and Freeze (walking, shaking, etc isolating body parts) 

We'll also move to "Winter Fantasy" which includes "Jingle Bells" so we'll bring some bells along with us!

Movement for Form and Expression

3 Little Christmas Trees

Movement for Form & Expression with Classical Music - 

"Trepak" and "Tea Dance"from The Nutcracker Ballet by Peter Tchaikovsky

Continue work on songs for Celebration of Winter Holidays

Rudolph the Red-Nosed ReindeerJingle BellsOld Lang SyneThanksgiving SongDeck the Halls - the Fa-la-la parts
2021 Winter Holiday Celebration With Links


Pitch Exploration

Follow the Line - roller coasters and more


Talking voice/singing voice

We'll continue to sing with Arioso-Possum and we may even get to visit his restaurant this month 

Arioso's Drive-Thru

Song Fragments...Echos

"My Aunt Came Back "- teacher lead

"No More Pie!" - student lead

Oh, My Aunt Came Back

Simple Songs 

"Trot, Old Joe" - so many ways for Joe to get from here to there!

Movement Exploration

Read My Mind 

Beat Motion - Folk Dance


Movement  for Form and Expression

"Chubby Little Snowman"

Movement for Form & Expression - with Classical Music


"Had a Little Rooster By the Barnyard Gate"

This song gets longer each time you sing it as we meet more and more animals playmates!  The rooster's "Cock-a-doodle-doo" comes back every time and is my favorite part to sing.  :)

Mi Cuerpo Hace Musica!  

The words tell us what to do with our bodies but can we keep up as we go faster and faster?  

Manos = hands which "Clap, clap, clap!" Pies = feet which go "Boom, boom, boom!"

Bocca = mouth which says "La, la, la!" Cintura = waist/hips sway & say "Cha, cha, cha!"


Pitch Exploration

"The Squiggle" Written by Carole Lexa Schaefer and Illustrated by Pierr Morgan

We'll use strings to create our own squiggles


We'll continue to sing in our Arioso voices and create our own tunes for some Mother Goose rhymes...

Jack be nimble

Jack be quick.  

Jack jump over the candlestick!

Song Fragments

"Charlie Over the Ocean"  

Movement Exploration

Flow and Freeze - 8 counts to make your body look like the statues then freeze for 8 counts


Movement for Form & Expression - with Classical Music

Movement for Form and Expression - Fingerplays

"One From the Left.."

A fun fingerplay in a minor key which is kind of unusual for children's songs!  Try singing along once you practice the movements.  Can you teach this to someone else?  

Simple Songs 

"Hop, Old Squirrel!" - opportunities for students to lead this familiar song

"Peep Squirrel" - what are some different things that squirrels do?

Movement for Form & Expression - with Classical Music

"The Beep, Beep Song" sung to the tune of Strauss's  Blue Danube Waltz


"The Fox Went Out"


Pitch Exploration

Whale Talk


"This is my speaking voice/this is my singing voice"

We'll create our own tunes for some Mother Goose rhymes...

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.  

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.  

All the king's horses and all the king's men 

couldn't put Humpty together again.

Song Fragments

"Pancake, Pancake"

This song lets us add silly movements and sounds as we make our pancakes.  We'll also create our own rhythm patterns as we add in our favorite kinds of pancakes.

Simple Songs 

 "Pitter Patter" -  We'll use our fingers to feel gentle raindrops on different parts of our bodies

"Cinderella, Dressed in Yellow" - This 2 note song turns into a game incorporating pitched and unpitched percussion instruments as we move around my rainbow carpet...

Movement Exploration

Glue Dancing  "March of the Martians" from The Happy Moog

"The Land of Slow & Fast Motion" - largo vs allegro tempos 

Movement for Form & Expression - Fingerplays

"Do Your Ears Hang Low? " - Accelerando tempo (gradually getting faster)

Movement for Form & Expression - with Classical Music

"The Waltzing Cat" by Leroy Anderson 

A Singing Game...

"Who Has the Penny?" - an excellent chance for solo singing in tune!

Who has the penny?  Who has the key?  Who has the thimble?  Please let us see!


"Risseldy, Rosseldy" is an American nonsense song with a quick tempo and a tongue-twister of a repeating refrain.  


Pitch Exploration

Where are you going Big Pig, Big Pig?

     Out to the garden to dig, dig, dig!

Out to the garden to dig, dig, dig? Shame on you Big Pig, Big Pig!

     Sorry ma'am, but I'm only a pig and all I can do is dig, dig, dig.


Aikendrum is a pretty silly man who lived on the moon and his body is made of all sorts of crazy things.  Once we learn the song we'll create our own Aikendrums.

Simple Songs - songs with only 3 notes!

 "Pitter Patter" -  Can we make sounds for different kinds of rain in between each verse?

"Cinderella, Dressed in Yellow" - This 2 note song turns into a game incorporating pitched and unpitched percussion instruments as we move around my rainbow carpet...

Movement Exploration

Imagination Game...Bunnies!

Beat Motions - 

"Keep the Beat!"

Movement for Form & Expression - Fingerplays

"Do Your Ears Hang Low? "  A little bit faster each time!

Musical term accelerando

Movement for Form & Expression - with Classical Music

A Singing Game

Well, "Jennie Jenkins", what color WILL you wear?  We'll try to make up our own verses too...


"Kitty Alone" - a beautiful folksong from Appalachia


Vocal Exploration

"The Nosy Rabbit" and other lines and shapes...

Song Fragments

"Doggie, Doggie, Where's Your Bone?"

Simple Song

"Engine, Engine #9"

This song gets us singing and moving around the room from "station" to "station" on trains that are always switching direction and engineers!!

Movement Exploration

"Highland Gates" and "Old Brass Wagon"

Movement for Form & Expression - Fingerplays

Can you plant a bean?  Can you plant it faster?  Review accelerando

Can you sing while you're planting?

Can You Plant a Bean? May 3, 2020.webm

Movement for Expression

"Sleepy Bunnies" - review and enjoy largo and allegro (slow and fast)

Movement for Form & Expression - with Classical Music


"Workin' On the Railroad"



This is my speaking voice/this is my singing voice - we'll share our summer plans with each other

Let's go out for ice cream!  What delicious creation will you order?  Remember to sing your order!

Movement Exploration


Movement for Expression

How does different music from all over the world make us want to move?

Movement for Expression

"Down By the Sea"

Beat Motion

"Les Saluts"


I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly


"If All the Raindrops"


"Good Morning!"

What a great was to start the day!

Movement for Expression

The Regal, Royal, Really Cool People Dance 

aka Kings and Queens

Fanga Alafia

Keep the Beat - and get a workout - with this song!

Fanga Alafia is a Nigerian song sung in the Yoruba language.  The words Fanga Alafia directly mean "Hello, welcome". The word Fanga is specifically the word for welcome dance and the word Alafia is specifically a greeting like "good health" or "peace".

Do you love to create art?  

Using any media you'd like (markers, paint, string, pencil, chalk...) create a picture as you listen to any one of these 20 pieces of music. They are all pieces by amazing composers and each one has a different feel depending on the instruments, tempo, style, and mood.

Feel free to create as many as you'd like!  If you’d like to share your art with Mrs. Westhaver, be sure to include the title of the piece(s) you listened to.  I'd love to add art to my webpages!