4th Grade Music


Conversational Solfege Unit 1 - Review & Practice 


Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Ickle Ockle

Conversational Solfege - Rote

Patterns Set 1A

Conversational Solfege - Decode/Familiar

Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Ickle Ockle

Conversational Solfege - Decode/Unfamiliar

Simple Simon


Conversational Solfege - Create

Reading - Rote

Patterns Set 1A

Reading - Decode/Familiar

Patterns Set 1A

Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Simple Simon


Reading - Decode/Unfamiliar

Patterns Set 1B

Button You Must Wander


Writing - Rote

Ickle Ockle

Writing - Decode/Familiar

Closet Key

Simple Simon met a pie-man going to the fair.

Said Simple Simon to the pieman "Let me taste your ware."

Said the man to Simple Simon "Show me first your penny".

Said Simple Simon to the pie-man "Sir, I have not any".

Simple Song and Game!

Decoding the rhythms and reading the text rhythmically without teacher assistance

Identifying the similarities/differences of the 2 phrases visually and aurally

Tunefully singing the melody in unison paying special attention to the ends of each phrase

Ickle ockle, blue bottle

Fishes in the sea,

If you want a partner*

Just choose me!

4 Beat Rhythm Practice

Play "I Have...Who Has...?" in Common Time

Omochio Tsukimasho

Omochio tsukimasho, Omochio tsukimasho

Petanko, petanko, Petan, petan, petanko

O konente, o konete, O kone, o kone, o konete

(Up) Ton, ton, ton. (Down) Ton, ton, ton

(Up and down) Ton, ton, ton, ton. (Up) Ton, ton, ton

This is a great game to practice steady beat and also requires students to work with each other as mochi-pounding machhines!

Added bonus if we get to find Japan -and the mochi shop! - on Google Earth

Button You Must Wander

Button you must wander, wander, wander.

Button you must wander everywhere.

Bright eyes will find you.  Sharp eyes will find you.

Button you must wander everywhere.


Black and Gold

Tunefully singing together and in parts in a minor key

Beatfully accompanying ourselves on pitched and unpitched percussion instruments

Artfully expressing the mood of the text and music

Black and Gold - Orff Parts.pdf

Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Tunefully singing this 2 bar song in unison and in cannon

Developing inner hearing by singing specific words only in our heads

Aurally decoding and notating the rhythm of the text

Beatfully using body percussion which correlates to the rhythm of the text

Artfully performing as a body percussion canon with special attention to dynamics and phrasing

Pumpkin, pumpkin, round and fat,

Turn into a jack-o-lantern just like that!

The Great Pumpkin Waltz

Moving to this mellow jazz waltz by Vince Guaraldi who is most famous for writing all of the music in the Peanuts TV specials

We'll use our Beat Buddies as partners!

In the Hall of the Mountain King

Playing the Boomwhackers as artfully as we can with special attention to changing dynamics and tempo


Begin work on our Celebration of Winter Holidays program!

4th-graders study the Hindu festival of Diwali and learn a song which uses special melodic patterns to evoke a sense of mystery.  Since it's a festival of lights we learn choreography based (loosely) on typical Indian dance positions and then enhance the experience with glow sticks.

You can check out all of the other songs we usually perform as a whole school in the slide show to the right.  This year we'll learn all of the music but have to figure out an alternative to an all school assembly.

2024 Winter Holiday Celebration With Links

Steady beat practice

"Over the River and Through the Woods" - we'll sing this simple tune and explore ways to accompany ourselves using jingle bells.


Continue to work on our Celebration of Winter Holidays program!

Boomwhacker Fun 

Moving to "The Children's March" from  The Nutcracker 


Conversational Solfege Unit 4

     - Tonal Do-Re-Mi

Conversational Solfege Tonal Patterns - Familiar

These patterns use the solfege syllables Do-Re-Mi and we will practice them together in class.

"I Have Lost My Closet Key"

First we'll review the melody and the differences between phrases 1 and 2 then we'll play the game!  This song use the solfege syllables Do-Re-Mi.  We will decode the rhythms, decode the solfege syllables, and perform the melody on resonator bells.


Recorder Karate!

This slideshow has all of the songs we are learning to earn our karate belts.  There are usually two options for each color belt and students may learn whichever they prefer.  To earn a belt students must play the song with the correct notes and the correct rhythms.  The recordings in the slideshow can help you.  Please DO NOT test if you aren't completely ready to play for me.  I won't pass anyone onto the next level until they show me they are ready.  You WILL have to work for your belts.

Students may test in 3 ways:

Recorder Karate Book 1 with options

I Let Her Go

Tunefully singing this 4 bar song in unison

Moving our bodies by ourselves and with a partner on specific beats

Joyfully discovering a new partner every time we jump and turn!

Moving/Playing to a Steady Beat

"Funky Veggies"

Great practice for independent lines as well as ensemble performance skills.  We'll use tennis balls as well as unpitched percussion instruments.

I Have, Who Has

This game practices steady beat as well as identifying written rhythmic patterns.  We'll use quarter notes, quarter rests, and pairs of eighth notes.

Composing Rhythmic Pieces

Rock, Paper, Scissors 

Great practice for independent lines as well as ensemble performance skills

Rock Paper Scissors - 2:4.pdf


Vocal Exploration

Imagine being able to see the sounds you make!

Conversational Solfege Unit 2

Rhythm Patterns in 6/8 Time

Du-da-de - 2 beats per measure with 3 pulses per beat

"Fish in the Sky" - a non-sensical poem

Oh, my!  Fish in the sky!

Shoes on the ceiling and trees walking by!

Reaching up low, bending down high,

Ev'rything seems to be wrong, right?

"When Johnny Comes Marching Home"

Beatfully accompanying this piece in 6/8 meter

Decoding familiar patterns in 6/8 meter

Tunefully singing the minor melody

Practicing our 6/8 Rhythms...

"Johnny Grim" with 6/8 patters to decode

"Roger is Dead" - an old New England singing game

"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" 

Johnny Grim Game

Boomwhackers are back!

We'll try out our rhythmic and melodic skills with the Columbian rhythms from Encanto

The Grumpy Dance

Moving our bodies to the beat while identifying patterns and form


Getting to Know the Instruments.pptx

A few more before we say goodbye to Boomwhackers

"Hot Cross Buns"

This song use the solfege syllables Do-Re-Mi.  We'll review this tune, decode the rhythms, decode the solfege syllables, and perform the melody on resonator bells.  Eventually we will notate the song onto the treble clef.


"Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!"

This rhyme is so versatile it takes us through rhythmic decoding, phrasing, moving to 4 beat patterns, and creating our own B sections using spoken ostinati as a starting point.

"Fee, fi, fo, fum.  I smell the blood of an Englishman.

Be he alive or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread!"



Patterns Set 2A

Patterns Set 2A

"Johnny Grim"

"1, 2, 3 Aleerie"

Pattern Set 2B

"Yankee Doodle"

"Fish in the Sky"

Various techniques

Patterns Set 2A

7.Reading - Decode/Familiar

Patterns Set 2A

"Johnny Grim"

"1, 2, 3 Aleerie"

"Yankee Doodle"

"Fish in the Sky"

8. Reading - Decode/Unfamiliar

Patterns Set 2B

"Twinkle, Twinkle"

"The Bridge of Avignon"

Listening  "The Crane"

9. Writing - Rote

"Yankee Doodle"

10. Writing - Decode/Familiar

"Twinkle, Twinkle"

11. Writing - Decode/Unfamiliar

"Twinkle, Twinkle"

12. Writing - Create

Various Techniques


Extra Materials

Moving Beatfully to "Stars and Stripes Forever"

Star = quarter note (Du)

Stripe = half note (Du-u)

Eagle = 2 eighth notes (Du-de)

Purple Heart =  2 eighth notes and a quarter note (Du-de Du)

Quarter = 1 beat rest

"If You Can Talk, You Can Sing!" 

A vocal chant in 6/8 time that can be performed easily one line at a time or made trickier by layering parts on top of each other at the same time.

If You Can Walk - slides

Keeping the Beat ~ TEMPO

Tempo has to do with the speed of the steady beat.  We'll learn the game "Sevens" where the tempo increases each time we start over.  I made it through Round 6.  How far can you go?

Following a Melodic Line On Pitched Instruments

Simple Song - Call & Response

The Telephone Song

LEADER: Hey Johnny!

“JOHNNY”: Someone’s calling my name

LEADER: Hey Johnny!

“JOHNNY”: I think I hear it again

LEADER: You’re wanted on the telephone

“JOHNNY”: If it’s not Alice, then I’m not home