
Common Sense Media improves the lives of kids and families by providing independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media. Please click the picture associated with the social media platform to be directed to the CommonSenseMedia website to learn more about the app.


Age: 15+ years

Instagram is a free social networking app used primarily to share public and private photo and videos.

1. Private Messaging or "DM's" allow for private conversations between users.

2. Privacy Settings - Content in private accounts cannot be seen unless user 'accepts' a request to follow.

3. Location - Photos with location tags are easily traceable in public accounts.

4. Disappearing Photos - Similar to Snapchat, Instagram's private messaging features access to disappearing photos. Content virtually untraceable unless "screen-shot."

5. Multiple Accounts - Users can have multiple accounts on the Instagram platform. Making things like "Finsta's," fake Instagram Accounts, popular to kids.