Learning Tips and Tutor Info.

Greetings from the GMS Counseling Department!

As we continue to adjust to life after summer vacation, we have put together some helpful tips and strategies to help you transition back to school!

-Talk about the fun parts of school like friends, specials, lunch and projects.

-Try to keep a positive outlook by reframing negative thoughts into positive ones, e.g. “I can’t do this homework.”... into … “I am going to do my best and use my resources to find the answers.”

-If you are feeling anxious or nervous, talk to a parent, counselor or other trusted adult to learn some strategies to help with these feelings.

-Self care is important! Take time to de-stress by taking a walk, listening to music, talking to a friend, color/draw, cook/bake, stretch and breathe, yoga, or other healthy activities that work for you.

Focus on the things you can control vs. things that are not in your control. Please see the poster for some examples :)

Free Tutoring with NHS

Tutoring Opportunity - Hello students and parents of Longmeadow! We are the National Honor Society (NHS) at Longmeadow High School, and our primary function is to conduct tutoring sessions between upperclassmen and underclassmen who need help. We know that this year is especially different with remote and hybrid learning, and teachers may be busier and won’t be able to attend to everyone individually. NHS is here to connect students who need help with tutors that are upperclassmen at LHS who have gone through the same classes that underclassmen are currently taking, so they have the experience and knowledge of many subjects. Tutoring will be done virtually out of respect of COVID-19 precautions, and will be done over Google Meet.

Students who need help should feel like they have somewhere to go to, and NHS is exactly that place. Even if you only have one or two questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us for help!

To sign up for tutoring, please click on the google form attached, read the instructions, and fill out the information that follows. Within a couple hours, we will send an email to both you and your tutor, so both of you can then connect. Remember, don’t be shy and ask away! For more information, please reach out to Wynne at wydrome@longmeadow.k12.ma.us.
