The Londonderry High School Chapter 

of the National Honor Society

Obligations of Membership

According to the NHS Constitution (Article VIII, section I), members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate outstanding scholarship, character, leadership and service. (Click here to review how our chapter defines service, leadership and character.) 

In addition, members must also abide by our chapter’s bylaws which stipulate the additional membership obligations detailed below. 

Obligations of Membership: Scholarship

Members must:

Obligations of Membership: Character 

Members must:

Obligations of Membership: Service 

Members must:

Obligations of Membership: Leadership 

Members must:

Check-up on some of your Membership Obligations Here:

Note: Obligations of scholarship and character will be handled privately between individual members and the adviser. 

Note: Failure to Fulfill Obligations of Membership

“Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, leadership, character, or service may be considered for discipline or dismissal from the Londonderry High School chapter of the National Honor Society. A member of the National Honor Society is expected to maintain his/her academic standing and take an active role in service and leadership to his/her school and community” (Chapter Bylaws, Article X, Section).

2023-2024 Membership Obligations

POSTED ONLINE_Member Obligations 2023-2024

Click on your class tab.

Stay Connected 

Maintaining regular and timely communication with the adviser is an obligation of membership (Chapter Bylaws, ARTICLE VI: Section 1). This is, perhaps, the most vital of all of your obligations. It's a MUST DO! 

To fulfill this obligation, be sure to check this website frequently and check the  official NHS Google Classroom frequently.