The Londonderry High School Chapter

of the National Honor Society

How Does One Become a Member of NHS?

In the first part of the spring semester, each sophomore and junior whose weighted cumulative GPA meets our chapter's minimum standard for scholastic eligibility will receive an invitation to become a candidate for membership. And in the first part of the fall semester, each senior whose weighted cumulative GPA meets our chapter's minimum standard for scholastic eligibility will receive an invitation to become a candidate for membership.

Scholastic eligibility is defined as a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.50 or higher.

The process begins when an official letter of invitation to become a candidate for membership is shared with scholastically eligible students via their Google Drive.

Candidates must also successfully demonstrate excellence in the areas of leadership, character and service. To accomplish this goal, candidates complete a detailed "candidate record" and "candidate essay". They also validate the information listed in the "candidate record" by gathering signatures. Every step of the candidate process must be completed and submitted on or before the dates posted (see Google Classroom).

While candidates are completing their forms, every faculty member who has or has had a professional relationship (i.e. teacher, coach, adviser ) with a candidate is asked to evaluate the candidate on the basis of character, service, and leadership, as defined in our Chapter Bylaws. When evaluating a candidate, the faculty member member is also asked to indicate in which year(s) they knew the candidate.

The adviser collates all of this information (candidate forms and faculty evaluations) and creates a portfolio for every candidate. A five member faculty council then reviews each candidate's portfolio and deliberates the merits of each before selecting some candidates for membership. The adviser informs candidates of their selection/non-selection. Candidates who were not selected have the opportunity to appeal this decision. Their portfolio will then be reviewed by a faculty appeals board.

After all appeals have been heard and candidates have been informed, we publish the list of newly selected members. It's important for all who become members to keep in mind that being selected for membership is just the beginning of a new journey. To remain a member in good standing throughout one's high school career, members must consistently demonstrate a commitment to the four pillars of NHS: scholarship, service, character and leadership. For more details, review the NHS Constitution and Londonderry High School Chapter Bylaws.