3rd Grade Curriculum

Lockhart ISD 3rd Grade Curriculum



The Math Playbook is a one-page document that breaks down the critical components of math instruction in Lockhart ISD elementary classrooms. This resource provides definitions for each component and outlines instructional resources and requirements.

3rd Grade Instructional Playbook

Instructional Minutes

LISD students receive 105 minutes of Math instruction daily.

TEKS Resource Calendar

In LISD, teachers use the 9 week TEKS Resource Year-at-a-Glance (YAG) to plan instruction for each quarter. The TEKS Resource Calendar is a district created document that is updated every school year. It provides the dates when each math unit is to be taught and assessed.

2021-2022 TEKS Resource Calendar

District Assessments

Checkpoint Assessments - These assessments are used to evaluate student understanding of TEKS taught within the current units of study. The data is analyzed to guide teachers in understanding which students need reteaching in which standards.

Benchmark Assessments- These assessments are giving once or twice a year in grades 3-5 to prepare staff and students for STAAR assessment. These assessments are not given as grades.

Online Assessments- Checkpoints and Benchmark assessments are offered on line for students to take in grades 3-5. The checkpoints are specifically created for students who require accommodations including language and content supports and oral support.

Unit Planners (3-5)

In LISD, unit planners are used to map out units of instruction from TEKS Resource System. The planners assist in breaking down the critical components of math curriculum.

3rd Grade Unit Planners

Math Curriculum Documents

The LISD math curriculum documents were created to provide teachers with examples of how to teach each unit as described in the TEKS Resource System. It lists the TEKS to be taught, key vocabulary, misconceptions, sample assessment items, and instructional resources.

3rd Grade Math Curriculum Documents

Math Talks Slides

One of the components of the LISD math block is Math Talks. A Math Talk consists of students sharing and accepting different strategies and thinking for number sense and problem solving. This gives ownership to students while building mental math skills. For each grade level, teachers have created a bank of Math Talks for each day of the school year.

3rd Grade Math Talk Slides

Standards Based Report Card (SBRC) Parent Detail

The district's standards based report card communicates the level of mastery students have over the standards for English Language Arts and Reading. The Parent Detail informs parents of the units that are taught in each nine weeks.

3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Spanish 3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail



The Literacy Playbook is a one page document that breaks down the critical components of the literacy block. It defines the elements of our English Language Arts and reading instruction and outlines in detail instructional resources and requirements.

3rd Grade Instructional Playbook

Instructional Minutes

LISD students receive 140 minutes of English Language Arts and Reading instruction daily. This block contains 70 minutes of guided reading, 45 minutes of writing, 10 minutes of phonics/word study/phonemic awareness, and 15 minutes of a read aloud mini-lesson,

2021-2022 TEKS Resource Calendar

In LISD, teachers use the 9 week TEKS Resource Year-at-a-Glance (YAG) to plan our instruction for each quarter.

District Assessments

Checkpoint Assessments - These assessments are used to evaluate student understanding of TEKS taught within the current units of study. The data is analyzed to guide teachers in understanding which students need reteaching in which standards.

Benchmark Assessments- These assessments are giving once or twice a year in grades 3-5 to prepare staff and students for STAAR assessment. These assessments are not given as grades.

Online Assessments- Checkpoints and Benchmark assessments are offered on line for students to take in grades 3-5. The checkpoints are specifically created for students who require accommodations including language and content supports and oral support.

Unit Planners 3rd Grade

3rd Grade Unit Planner

In LISD, teachers use unit planners to map out units of instruction from TEKS Resource System. These planners assist in breaking down the critical components of literacy.

Scope and Sequence

Standards Based Report Card (SBRC) Parent Detail

The district's standards based report card communicates the level of mastery students have over the standards for English Language Arts and Reading. The Parent Detail informs parents of the units that are taught in each nine weeks.

3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Spanish 3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Bilingual Literacy


The Literacy Playbook is a one page document that breaks down the critical components of the literacy block. It defines the elements of our English Language Arts and reading instruction and outlines in detail instructional resources and requirements.

Instructional Minutes

LISD students receive 140 minutes of English Language Arts and Reading instruction daily. This block contains 70 minutes of guided reading, 45 minutes of writing, 10 minutes of phonics/word study/phonemic awareness, and 15 minutes of a read aloud mini-lesson. Refer to the Language of Instruction Guide for specifics regarding English instruction in each of the literacy components.

TEKS Resource Calendar

LISD uses the 9 week TEKS Resource Year At a Glance (YAG) to plan instruction for each quarter. The TEKS Resource Calendar is a district created document that is updated every school year. It provides the dates when each Language Arts unit is to be taught and assessed

Unit Planners (3-5)

The district uses unit planners to map out units of instruction from TEKS Resource System. These planners assist in breaking down the critical components of literacy.

Scope and Sequence

Standards Based Report Card (SBRC) Parent Detail

The district's standards based report card communicates the level of mastery students have over the standards for science. The Parent Detail informs parents of the units that are taught in each nine weeks.

3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Spanish 3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail


Instructional Minutes

LISD students receive 30 minutes of Science instruction daily. We recommend that students are engaged in classroom and outdoor investigation for at least 60% of the science instructional time.

TEKS Resource Calendar

LISD uses TEKS Resource Year-at-a-Glance (YAG) to plan instruction for each quarter.

Standards Based Report Card (SBRC) Parent Detail

The district's standards based report card communicates the level of mastery students have over the standards for science. The Parent Detail informs parents of the units that are taught in each nine weeks.

3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Spanish 3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Social Studies

Instructional Minutes

LISD students receive 20 minutes of social studies direct instruction daily. Social studies should be integrated into the language arts block as many TEKS correlate.

TEKS Resource Calendar

LISD uses the 9 week TEKS Resource Year-at-a-Glance (YAG) to plan instruction for each quarter. Celebration Freedom Week occurs one week for students in Grades 3-5.

Standards Based Report Card (SBRC) Parent Detail

The district's standards based report card communicates the level of mastery students have over the standards for science. The Parent Detail informs parents of the units that are taught in each nine weeks.

3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Spanish 3rd Grade SBRC Parent Detail

Instructional Technology

Students at Lockhart ISD use technology everyday. Students use computers, chromebooks and/or iPads in the classrooms to work on reading, math, language arts, science, social students, and special projects. LISD teachers follow the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Technology to guide the curriculum. Many elementary teachers participate in the Lockhart Visionary Instruction Plan (VIP) which is an initiative aimed at establishing an innovative instructional vision for the next generation classroom in LISD.

Students are trained every semester on the proper use of the Internet. All grade levels use the Internet for instructional activities. Students are not allowed to surf (search) the Internet. All sites are previewed by teachers or the technology instructional mentors before students can visit the site. Students are only allowed to explore preset links. The LISD Elementary Internet Resources site is maintained by LISD elementary technology instructional mentors.

Goals of instructional technology at LISD:

      • enhance teaching and learning

      • individualize learning for students by using flexible learning paths and blended learning in centers

      • utilize the SAMR model and the 4C's to guide creation of lessons integrating technology

      • connect TEKS + Tech = Student Engagement (TEKS first!)

Software programs available to students include but not limited to:

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