
For Grades K to 12

Teachers use Schoology to post their classroom materials online; provide a safe forum for students to discuss their ideas and collaborate on projects; and to assign and collect homework electronically. It helps students stay organized and it keeps the class connected.

Parent Guide To Schoology

Getting Started on Schoology for Parents PDF (1).pdf

Schoology Parent FAQs

Schoology Parent FAQs
Schoology Webinar.mp4

Schoology Webinar for Parents (Elementary)

(from LPS Educational Technology Coaches)

This webinar explains how parents can access Schoology from our LPS homepage. The video also reviews:

Parent Schoology Webinar 9/19/23.mp4

Schoology Webinar for Parents (Secondary)

(from LPS Educational Technology Coaches)

This webinar explains how parents can access Schoology from our LPS homepage. The video also reviews:

Schoology for Parents.mp4

Overview of Schoology for Parents 

(from LPS Educational Technology Coaches)

This tutorial explains how parents can access Schoology from our LPS homepage. The video also reviews:

Overview of Schoology for Parents 

(from Schoology)

This Parent Resource Kit YouTube Playlist consists of three short videos on the following topics: