5th Annual

Arkansas STEM Festival

Initiated by LISA Academy

Friday, March 8, 2019

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I need more information about attending the festival as a group. What can you tell me about it?

A: Attending the festival as a group will be a great experience for all members of the group. You will learn about the various topics of STEM from knowledgeable students, hobbyists, and professionals from across the state of Arkansas, participate in some of the hands-on projects throughout the festival, and enjoy the brand new art exhibit! These variety of activities is bound to keep all the members of your group entertained for your entire visit to the festival!

Q: Do I need to register to attend the festival?

A: Yes you do, see the questions below to find the appropriate registration link for you.

Q: I am an individual interested in attending the festival just to view the presentations, how do I register?

A: Follow this link and make sure to complete the individual registration http://www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-annual-arkansas-stem-festival-tickets-26577367622

Q: I am a student planning to present a project at the festival, how do I register to present?

A: Follow this link and make sure to complete the registration form. We will contact you after you submit your registration form. {LINK}

Q: Can a group of students present a project together? How do we register?

A: Yes a maximum of two students may present a project together. However, exceptions can be made for large projects that require a larger group by requesting an exemption through emailing arstemfestival@gmail.com. Follow the link to the registration page: {LINK}

Q: Do parent chaperones and/or teachers need to register with their group of students as well?

A: Yes, every person who is a part of the group needs to be included on the group registration.

For example, if 8 children, 1 parent, and 1 teacher are in the group, 10 people would be put onto the group registration form.

Q: Do I need to bring proof of my registration to the festival?

A: Yes, please bring a printed copy of your registration.

Q: I am a teacher who would like to bring my students to view the presentations, how do I register?

A: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-annual-arkansas-stem-festival-tickets-26577367622

Q: Is it free to attend the festival?

A: Yes, all you must do is register to attend the festival.

Q: Is there time set aside for groups to eat lunch during the festival?

A: Yes, we will send you a google form with the schedule of the festival that will contain that information.

Q: Is there somewhere to buy lunch at the festival or should I bring my own lunch?

A: You may do whatever you prefer. There is food for sale in the UALR food court and arrangements can be made in advance to eat in the UALR student cafeteria by emailing

Q: How will I know where to go once I get to the UALR campus?

A: There will be signs that direct you to the Donaghey Student Center where the festival will take place.

Q: Our group is coming on a bus or large van, where should I tell the driver to drop us off?

A: Buses and large vans should drop off their passengers at the designated drop-off point located at the front door of the Donaghey Student Center, after dropping passengers off, park in lot 13, which is located near the Jack Stephens Center basketball arena.

Q: What are the rules and guidelines for projects?

A: Click HERE

Q: Who can attend the festival?

A: Anyone who registers can attend the festival!

Q: What is the schedule for the festival?

A: It is located on the homepage of our website at www.arstem.org