Spaghetti Bolognese

The history of spaghetti sauce

Although we think of spaghetti with tomato sauce as the quintessential Italian dish, tomatoes didn’t become part of the Italian diet until the 1800s. And the first recipe for pasta with tomato sauce actually appeared in a French cookbook from 1797. So the tomato-based pasta sauces we tend to think of as typically Italian – bolognese, pomodoro, puttanesca – are actually more recent developments.

Spaghetti Bolognese

Meat Sauce

  • 500g mince

  • 1 medium onion

  • 1 can of tomato puree (400g)

  • 125 ml water

  • salt and pepper to season

  • 2T oil

  • 2T flour

  • 1T sugar

  • 1t oregano or Italian herbs

  • 120g spaghetti pasta

  1. Heat 2 T oil in a medium size frying pan, add chopped onions, mince and sprinkle with flour cook until brown, stirring well.

  2. Remove from the heat and add the tomato puree, water and seasonings. Mix well and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until cooked adding more water if the mixture gets too thick.

  3. Serve on top of the spaghetti and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

To cook Pasta

  1. In a large pot half fill with water and bring it to boil with 1 t salt.

  2. Coil the spaghetti into the boiling water and cook uncovered for 8-10 minutes until “al dente” (firm when bitten) depending on the type of pasta.

  3. Drain using a colander.

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