Science ELO

ELO In Science

Here is a great format to ELO in Science.

ELO Design Template

The design template is one of the foundational tools for developing quality ELOs. It was created by the Q.E.D. Foundation as part of the NH Department of Education ELO Initiative. Schools around the state have used this document as a starting point for creating design templates customized for their local needs.

Use this as the Proposal Form

Is there a career you are interested in pursuing? Explore that career in the real world by interning or apprenticing with a professional in your chosen field of study/career.

Serve as a biology lab assistant and gain practical experience beyond what is found in a traditional classroom.

Flinn Scientific High School Safety Course

Certification Course

The Flinn Scientific High School Laboratory Safety Certification Course is a comprehensive seven-hour safety training program. The course is organized into ten thematic units comprised of 45 essential topics. Each topic is a separate chapter.

You must begin the course with Chapter One and each video chapter must be viewed completely before you can move on. At the end of each unit, except for Units I and X, there will be a 12- question assessment that must be passed in order to proceed to the next unit.

The goal of the Laboratory Safety Certification Course is to improve your safety awareness and increase your knowledge of relevant safety regulations, practices and procedures that directly impact high school science teachers. The emphasis throughout the course is on best practices as the presenters offer you simple, practical, and effective solutions to solve your laboratory safety problems.

Once you have finished the course and passed all of your assessments you will be able to print a certification showing that you have completed seven hours of safety training from Flinn Scientific.


Projects are the natural end result of the student’s learning journey and provide a vehicle for processing and exploring the competencies through the essential question.

In high quality ELOs, students should be working on projects that: result in an original product or idea contribute back to a larger community support disciplined inquiry (i.e., the student acts as a mathematician, historian, artist, or other role in order to do the work).

Explore Buck Institute for Education (BIE) for project ideas. The Buck Institute supports teachers to use Project Based Learning, which they define as a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge.