Kingdom Animalia

Invertebrate :

an animal lacking a backbone, such as an arthropod, mollusk, annelid, coelenterate, etc. The invertebrates constitute an artificial division of the animal kingdom, comprising 95 percent of animal species and about 30 different phyla.

Vertebrate are the animals belonging to the sub-phylum Vertebrata. They belong to the Phylum Chordata. The characteristics of phylum chordata is the presence of notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord and paired pharyngeal gill slits. The members of subphylum Vertebrata possess notochord during the embryonic period. The notochord is replaced by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column in the adult. All vertebrate are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates. Special characteristics of vertebrates other than the vertebral column are, they have a muscular heart which is two, three or four chambered. For excretion they have kidneys and appendages that are paired which may be fins or limbs.