
Genetics includes the study of heredity, or how traits are passed from parents to offspring. The topics of genetics vary and are constantly changing as we learn more about the genome and how we are influenced by our genes.

Mendelian Genetics

Practice Sets

Simple Genetics Practice – using mendelian genetics and punnett squares

Genetic Crosses with two traits – basic crosses, uses Punnet squares

Genetic Crosses with two traits II – basic crossses, uses Punnett squares

Dihybrid Crosses in Guinea Pigs (pdf) – step through on how to do a 4×4 punnett square

Codominance & Incomplete Dominance – basic crosses involving codominance

Oompa Loompa Genetics

Dragon Genetics Word Problems


Heredity Simulation - popsicle sticks

Penny Genetics - flip coins to compare punnett ratios to actual ratios

Virtual Genetics Lab - Guinnea Pigs (online)


Inheritance and Variation of Traits help students in pursuing an answer to the question: “How are the characteristics from one generation related to the previous generation?” High school students demonstrate understanding of the relationship of DNA and chromosomes in the processes of cellular division that pass traits from one generation to the next. Students can determine why individuals of the same species vary in how they look, function, and behave. Students can develop conceptual models for the role of DNA in the unity of life on Earth and use statistical models to explain the importance of variation within populations for the survival and evolution of species. Ethical issues related to genetic modification of organisms and the nature of science can be described. Students can explain the mechanisms of genetic inheritance and describe the environmental and genetic causes of gene mutation and the alteration of gene expression. Crosscutting concepts of structure and function, patterns, and cause and effect developed in this topic help students to generalize understanding of inheritance of traits to other applications in science.

Take Home Lab.docx

Human Genetics

Chromosomes and Sex Linkage

Human Molecular Genetics

Human Genetics Survey

Genetics Practice:

Multiple Alleles | Blood Types

X-Linked Traits | Calico Cats

Pedigrees Practice

Possible Simulations & Activities

Chromosome Study - cut and paste chromosomes to create a karyotype

Online Karyotype Analysis - match virtual chromosomes

Variations on a Human Face - flip coins to determine the traits

Pipe Cleaner Babies - use pipe cleaners as a simulation

Genetic Engineering

Who Ate The Cheese – simulate gel electrophoresis to solve a crime

Genetic Science Ethics – survey as a group ethical questions involved genetics (cloning, gene therapy..)

Genetic Engineering Concept Map

Biotechnology Virtual Lab

Biotechnology Web Lesson – students explore genetic science learning center ( and discover how clones are made, and how DNA is extracted and sequenced

Genetic Science Learning Center – explore website with animations and tutorials, answer questions

DNA Fingerprinting – another simulation, this one from PBS, that walks you through the steps of creating a DNA Fingerprint

Cloning – Click and Clone at GSLC where you can read about how clones are made and clone your own virtual mouse

DNA Technology.ppt

DNA Technology Lecture

DNA Technology Lab

Student Version Genes in a Tube.pdf