Robotic Club

NH Robotics Education Development Program

Dave Webster of Lin-Wood (k-12) School District was the recipient of the two-year NH Robotics Education Development Fund Grant, which promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The grant allowed the purchase and incorporation of VEX robotics kits into the STEM extracurricular club.

The kits and competition arena that was purchased has given these our small North Country school’s students a hands-on experience in problem-solving and critical thinking. The students who participated in the robotics program have become more confident in their own abilities to problem solve and experiment with different ideas. They have developed team working skills that enable them to listen to each other’s ideas and try them out or refine the ideas. They have begun to look at problems, analyze the situation, and look for solutions. Robotics has helped the students become more confident in their own and each other’s abilities.

A high school lead teacher and a middle school teacher hosted the Robotics Club the in science lab with twelve students from grades 6 -12. The robotics club met once every two weeks for 2 to 2.5 hours a meeting. The club was a wonderful way to involve students of varying ages and academic abilities in an activity that introduces them to the world of engineering, while giving them a chance to discover and apply their talents in a fun extra-curricular activity that helps them feel part of a team.

Our robotics club wishes to expand, and allow more students to gain experience and delve into creating more effective designs while challenging themselves with more intricate programming possibilities. Your continued support for our extracurricular club will greatly impact in helping students apply their intellectual talents, beyond what they can experience in the classroom.

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