Gifted and Talented
Summer Learning 2024

Gifted & Talented Initial Institute (30 hours)

For all questions related G/T training, please contact Kristine Kline at

Teacher Option: (Virtual) 

Window:  May 30, 2024 - August 13, 2024

Instructor: Kristine Kline

Description: This institute consists of 5 modules (6 hours each).  The modules cover the following: 

Required Staff: 

Eduphoria Links (in order to receive professional learning credit

Gifted & Talented Update Courses  (6 hours)

For all questions related G/T training, please contact Kristine Kline at

Upon completion, G/T Virtual Opportunities will count for your 6 hour update, as well as 1 Flex Day.

G/T update hours will also be offered in the fall 2024 semester for teachers in need of the six hour update. 

APSI: For secondary Honors and AP teachers this counts as your 6-Hour GT Update. 

Option #1: Book Study (Virtual) 

Window: May 30, 2024 - August 13, 2024

Audience: For K-12 Classroom Teachers who have  already completed the 30-hour initial training 

Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess 

Instructor: Anel Ellsworth

**Participants are required to purchase the book prior to beginning the course. **

Overview: Teach Like a Pirate offers strategies and principles that can enhance the educational experience for gifted students by promoting engaging lessons, differentiated instruction, fostering a love for learning, encouraging creativity, and empowering students as leaders. When teachers embrace these principles, they create environments that support and challenge gifted learners to reach their full potential.  

Register in Eduphoria to receive professional learning credit. 

Google Classroom Code: xbmd2c2 

Option #2: Mathematically Gifted Podcast + 3 G/T Articles (Virtual) 

Window: May 30, 2024 - August 13, 2024

Instructor: Bri Benton

Audience: For Teachers, Administrators, Counselors who have already completed the 30-hour initial training

Description: Teachers will dive into understanding and effectively implementing open-ended math strategies in the classroom to cater to the unique needs of gifted learners. With a focus on nurturing mathematically advanced students, this course aims to explore innovative approaches and techniques to facilitate the growth and development of gifted students in mathematics.

Participants will read articles about what a mathematically gifted student looks like in the classroom, developing a mathematical mindset, and what it means to truly think conceptually about math and not just memorize.

Register in Eduphoria to receive professional learning credit. 

Google Classroom Code: f5ogl4e 

Option #3: Neurodiversity Podcasts

Window: May 30, 2024 - August 13, 2024

Instructor: Lindsey Jameyson

Audience: For Teachers, Administrators, Counselors who have already completed the 30-hour initial training

Description: Each podcast is approximately 30 minutes long and covers an array of topics about gifted children and adults, intelligence, twice-exceptional people, general interest psychology and other "mind matters." Participants will need to complete 6 different podcasts. After each podcast, they will reflect on their learning with an overview of the discussion, and then respond to another participant's comment in order to earn credit. This course  is designed to help teachers, counselors and administrators meet the G/T update requirements on their own time. 

Register in Eduphoria to receive professional learning credit. 

Google Classroom Code: jd5q7fb