School Support Pathway

School Support Leader Institute

Whom is this Institute designed for?

Any classified employee that wants to learn and grow. This is an opportunity to add to your resume and prepare you for additional positions within LFCISD.

What will be covered?

Accepted applicants will have an opportunity to earn an additional Microsoft certification and will engage in coursework designed to improve their communication and organizational skills. 

How will this help me?

This Institute will give you the skills needed to not only be a leader in your current role, but also prepare you for future positions within LFCISD.

When will these sessions be offered?

The Institute will be four half day sessions throughout the school year. At the completion of the Institute, the participant will have an opportunity to take a Microsoft Certification exam. All sessions will be during the workday and professional leave will be provided to all participants. 

How do I apply?

Use this link to apply by Friday, September 20, 2024.  For additional questions please email

Interested in earning an associates, bachelor or specific certification?

Contact Human Resources to learn more about district partnerships with various colleges and Universities.