Oct 22

Cohort A (virtual)

Sign in at 10:30 to read and discuss with us!

If you aren't able to make it, watch the video!

Make sure you're still reading your book for fun!

Cohort B (in person)

  1. Watch film of Act 1

  2. Read Act 2 (at least finish scene 1)

  3. Review reading, continue Act 2.1

  4. Review: Iambic pentameter: da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM

blank verse: unrhymed iambic penameter

catalectic trochaic tetrameter:

Catalectic Trochaic Tetrameter consists of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable,

| DUM da | DUM da | DUM da | DUM |

cat·a·lec·tic: (of a metrical line of verse) lacking one syllable in the last foot.

  1. 4. Discussion of reading

How does the structure of the lines change as we move from Theseus to the workers?

Notice change in rhythm of the fairies (Catalectic Trochaic Tetrameter= DUM-da, DUM-da, DUM-da, DUM-da)

Notice change in rhythm of the fairies (Catalectic Trochaic Tetrameter= DUM-da, DUM-da, DUM-da, DUM-da)

Helena in lines 238-240 gives examples of stories where the weak pursue the strong.

What is the interest of wanting what you can't have?

What is the connection in the text between love and logic?

What does Shakespeare suggest about logic and human kind?

What is the meaning of the dream Hermia has?

How to quote Shakespeare (think about verse vs. prose)

Homework: Quiz on Act 2 next in-person class.