Sept 24

Cohort A (in-person)

  1. Attendance

  2. Read for fun for 15 minutes!

  3. Read the Cabinet #2 Speech and evaluate the most convincing argument. Pick the argument you think is best.

Write a thesis explaining HOW the author you chose to be the best persuades the audience.

  1. Read the RFK speech and analyze it as you read. I made a copy for each of you so that you could read and mark rhetorical choices.

Homework: None!

Next class: We will start working on essays!

Cohort B (in-person)

  1. Attendance

  2. Reading time

    • In-class conference on paragraphs

  1. Read the Cabinet #2 Speech and evaluate the most convincing argument. Pick the argument you think is best.

Write a thesis explaining HOW the author you chose to be the best persuades the audience.

Homework: Read the RFK speech

Next class: Discuss the RFK speech and analyze essay. (If you're at home, you'll watch the video of me teaching how to write the essay. It will be awkward. That's okay.)