

Registration has closed.

Ultimate Frisbee (20 participants max.)

Volleyball (30 participants max. per session)

Each program will run for 12 sessions.

Ultimate frisbee  will start on Monday, April 22. This program will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 2:50 - 4:20. Participants will meet on the back fields of Diamond. 

(20 participants max., first come first served.)

Volleyball will have two sessions. The Monday / Wednesday session will begin on Monday, April 22. The Tuesday / Thursday session will begin on Tuesday, April 23. Both programs will start at 2:50 and go until 4:20. Participants will meet in the gym. 

(30 participants max. each session. Students are only allowed to sign up for one session.)


If you registered your child for any intramural program you are required 

to have an updated physical on file with the school nurse.

PLEASE make sure you are all set!