Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t know anything about science or nature.  How will I know what to say?

No prior knowledge is necessary!  We will tell you everything that you need to know in order to lead the walk.  You’ll be given advice on how to present material and suggestions on how to deal with reluctant students.  If you like to work with kids, this is an excellent opportunity to interact with them.  The rewards are sure to be terrific!

What happens when the weather is bad?

It is up to the room coordinator and the teacher to decide on the walk and reschedule the walk if the weather requires.  It is essential to have contact information should a walk need to be canceled. 

Students go on walks as long as it is not raining, the temperature is at or above 18 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind chill factor and there is not a heat advisor in effect. 

May I bring my preschooler on a walk?

Please make other arrangements for your preschooler if you are a leader.  You will need all of your attention for the group of students that you are leading on the walk. 

What if behavior is a problem with my group? 

Remind the children that you are in charge and challenge them to respond to the next question. If that doesn’t work, feel free to return to the classroom early.  Suggest to the teacher that a different grouping would be better, if necessary.

We found a terrific bird’s nest on our walk.  May we bring it back to the classroom to share with the others?

Please do not remove anything on your walk unless instructed to do so within the walk guide. Try to observe without destroying and emphasize to the children the importance of leaving things the way that we find them.

May I take pictures on the walk?

Yes, by all means but please don’t do it at the expense of leading.  We hope to have volunteers who will take pictures for our web site.  Note:  Some children do not have permission to be photographed.  This should be checked at the office before pictures are taken.

I have been asked to lead a walk in a different classroom. Why?

We do not always have enough volunteers for each classroom.  If you have already been trained for a walk, and have the time, the children would certainly benefit from your experience. Plus, it’s always more fun the second time!

May my child be in my group?

This is up to you, the teacher, and the classroom coordinator.  Sometimes walk leaders find that NOT having their son or daughter in their group is the most successful experience for all.

For questions or further details, please contact Karen McCarthy, Science Curriculum Coordinator K-5, or Pamela Cohen, District Big Backyard Coordinator