Lexington Big Backyard Program
Let nature be your teacher
- Williams Wordsworth
Our Program
The Big Backyard program is a series of seasonal, curriculum-based nature explorations tailored to each elementary school's backyard. The program is designed to introduce children to many aspects of the natural world while enhancing the skills of scientific inquiry within the grade level science curriculum. Observation, learning to ask questions, problem solving, and respect for the natural environment are emphasized throughout this program. Trained volunteers guide small groups of students on interactive walks to explore the fields, woods, and wetlands of the school surroundings.
The program is a unique partnership between families and teachers to extend what students learn in the classroom into the outdoors. They have been enjoyed by a multitude of students for many years!
Approximately 2500 children experience the natural world directly led by ~800 enthusiastic volunteers.
Big Backyard volunteers organize the class walks for the year. Each exploration is held during school hours and takes approximately 30-60 minutes. Big Backyard explorations are great fun and provide a way for volunteers to support the classroom teachers and also interact with their own children.
Volunteer for our outdoor classroom today!
No previous experience is necessary. We supply you with everything you need. First time parents are always welcome!

Each grade has specifically designed walks tailored to their curriculum. Volunteers are instructed on how to lead each specific walk with the help of written guides and walk-through training on site. The program is overseen by Karen McCarthy, K-5 Science Curriculum Coordinator and Pamela Cohen, District Big Backyard Coordinator, organized by the Big backyard team at each school, and supported by classroom teachers and each school's PTA/PTO. The Big Backyard team is made up of volunteers from our LPS families. Walks are scheduled fall, winter and spring.
Inside the Classroom
Teachers integrate the Big Backyard experience by conducting pre and post walk activities in the classroom. Walks are scheduled to correspond with topics being investigated in the classroom in order to enhance what the students are learning.
Basic Orientation
Each September, a general 2 hour town-wide introductory session is offered for volunteers interested in the program. This hands-on session includes a discussion of the basic principles of environmental science as well as active participation in walk related activities. This basic training is optional and participants need only bring curiosity, an appreciation for the natural world and a desire to help children learn about the way the world works.
Click here for information on the next Basic Training session.
Grade Level Training
A pre-walk training is held at each school before each walk to familiarize volunteers with the walk route, highlight exciting discoveries, explain how to approach the goals and objectives of the walk and to demonstrate the use of any equipment to be used on the walk. It is strongly encouraged to attend the pre-walk training to insure volunteers are comfortable with the walk material and are aware of any last minute changes. Trainings typically take between 30-60 minutes and usually occur the day of the walk.
Please read walk guides prior to training so you’re prepared to lead student groups.
Land Acknowledgement
The Big Backyard Program would like to acknowledge that our schools and their natural surroundings are on the traditional homelands of the Massachuset, Pawtucket, and Ponkapoag nations. (Within the Massachuset nation, there were multiple bands, one of which was the Ponkapoag, a tribe that still exists today).
We owe gratitude to the Indigenous Peoples of Massachusetts, who respected, cared for, and protected the land for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Europeans and to Indigenous Peoples who continue these traditions today. We can learn from their experience and knowledge and find ways we can all be better protectors of the air, water, soil, plants, and animals around us.
The Big Backyard Program is examining ways our curriculum and instruction can be more inclusive, respectful, and truthful to all people, including the Indigenous Peoples, past and present. During Big Backyard explorations, students are encouraged to connect to their natural surroundings, consider what the Earth provides us, and think of ways we can be giving to the Earth in return.